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©ricjittal Documnits,

G UJUCESTERSHIP.E CHARTKRP. Since the printing of the two charters previously given (vol. xxviii., pp. 159-GO), four other documents have been discovered among Dr. Canie's muniments, three of which are closely connected with the two preceding, and refer those rather to (Jlouccstershire than to Hereford- shire, though the names of some of the persons mentioned belong to both counties. The first, by Robert Ituphus of Brochamton, gives to Radulf le Fmnces, of the same ])lace, lands in Wittewell, and is without date. "William Long is mentioned as a former hoLler, and the witnesses are Cuy, Lonl of (.'lopcU'. Ralf Mnsard, AN'illiam Liber of lUochamton, John son of Andrew, I'obert of Gloucester, and ( JeolVrcy Stoke. The deed is in excellent presen'ation, clearly and finely written, in good black ink. In appearance it is of the reign of Edward I. There is nothing in this deed to indicate with certainty its County. There is in liloucestershire, lirockhampton, a handet of Bishops Cleeve, and a Brockhamptou near Sevenhampton. Near the latter is Whitall farm, which may bo a cor- ruption of ^^'hitewell. No ( 'loppele or C'loppeley ai)pears in Gloucester or Hereford. There is a parisii so called in i'cdlonlshire, onco a seat of the All)inis'. Uuphus is not found; but in i^ssex, lemji. Hen. III., was Dominus W. de Kufj)ha. Ralph is a common name in the MusjuhI family between Hen. III. and I'Aw. I., in the Counties of Berks, Derby, ami Gloucester. The ca^^tle called " l.«i Musardeie " was in the latter County. The Hcc<»nd charter, dated at Cloppeley nu the Sunilay next before the translation of St. Martin, 1I» ivlw. II., is by Nicholas le Frensc, evidently the winie with Nicholas le l-'raneeis of the charter already printed, and is granted to William his Itrother. Here Cloppeley is de- hcril»ed as near Sevenhaniitton, and therefore in (Jloucchtersliire, which also fixes Brockhamton. Of names of persons, we have Kol)ert the Hatter, Robert Brid or Bird, and Henry Reynor, and of j.hices, Broc- liamton, Cloppeley where the charter in dated, Sevenliamton, Woldene, and HelewelHla'le. The witnchses are Rol)ert Solei*s, a Hereford name, John Ohve, a nnnic preserved in the adjacent Shipton-Olive, Robert Ondcbi (Owdeswell is a place near), Luke do Monte, Nieholas do Anncs- forde, John de Walleye, and John le Heir or Myre. 'J'ho third charter is without date, but evidently of the same period, niifl prnbalilya little later than that by Dionysi;! ileilierl. which included

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