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arc excellent specimens of domestic architecture, and there arc many examjiles uf the style sjiecial to Cheshire and the adjacent counties to be met w ith round Alderley. Tlie churches are very rich in monumental ctligies, and the neighbourhood is full of the histuric associations of the ancient knightly families long settled there. Much additional informa- tion resj»ecting this locality has come to light since Mr. Ornierod jmblislicd his valuable "History of Cheshire " in ll^lH, and the collection and ar- rangement of the.se materials has been undertaken by Mr. J. P. Ear- waker, B.A., the honorary .secretary to the Oxford Architectural and Historical Society. The work will be illustrated by jihotographs by Mr. A. Uruthers, and will form a royal quarto volume, price two guineas; small paper copies, one guinea and a half. Intending subscribers should communicate with the author at Brocklands, Alderley Edge. Mr. W. CoPELAND BoRLASE, F.S.A., who for some time past has de- voted careful attention to the examination of ancient interments and sepulchral nnis in his county, announces for inniiediate issue, to sub- KL-ribers, "A'rt-«/a Comiil/UF," au essay illustrative of the funereal cus- toms of the early inhabitants of CornwaU, The work, to be ])ub]ished by Messi-s. Longmans, will form one volume, JSvo, with many illustra- tions ; price, IGs. The name of the distinguished arcliieologist of the West, whose treatise on the Anticjuities of C'oniwall, j»ubli.sh('d in 17(i!>, still occupies a high position in researches of its class, cannot fail lo con- fer on the labours of his descendant an incre;used interest.

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