COLLECTION OF BOOKS PRINTED BEFORE 1000.'" Dy tho Rev, J. FULLER RUSSELL. The hearty thanks of the contributors to " a Loan Col- lection" are due to ]Ir. Loftie for his interesting and careful " Catalogue " in the last number of our " Journal," and ho has done ample justice to the books which I had the pleasure to exhibit. In his account of them, however, are a few errors and omissions which I beg leave briefly to correct and supply. John Gutenberg. 7. For " questionu Sifridi Ep'i Ciren', read " questionu Sifridi epi Cirefi." Conrad Feyner. 33. For "Tractatu," read " Tractatus." JoiiAN Bergmann, de Olpe. 43. Dde " the fii*st which contains cuts." J(jiiN Severix. i')~j. For " Missali," read " Missale.*' Two leaves only arc vellum. They contain a full-page eugi-aving of the Crucifixion, and the com- mencement of the Canon of the Mass. Augustine Fries. C7. For " Sorori mee, uxori M. to ini.," read " Sorori mee uxori (Jilpini." FraN(;0I3 PiEGXAULT. 100. For "Missale," read " Prymer." Steffan Planck. To the volumes assigned to this printer, add — 151.* " Epistola Christofori Colom : cui etas nostra multu debet de lusulis Indie supra Gangen nuper inventis . . . tertio Kal's Maij, m. cccc. xciiJ. Pontificatus Alexandri Sexti Anuo Primo." 4to. — The Rev. J. Fuller Russell. Insert before England — SPAIN. A RN ALDUS BrOCARIUS. 155.* The Coraplutcnsian Polyglot. G vols. Folio. 1.514 — 1517. This C"py. which is presumed to be one of the finest extant, was formerly ill the celebrated Merly Libi-ary — The Rev. J. Fuller Russell. ' Pages 45-70, auto.