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afterwards King Uiclianl II., who resided here Yith liis inotlior at the time of the death of King Edward 111.; and it is supposed that the sign of the "AVliite Hart'" Inn and the name " White Hart Street " were taken originally from the lieraldic badge of Richard. lie ascended the throne June 22, 1377, in which year John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, came to Kennington for shelter from the fury of the citizens of London.^ A.D. I'SiiG. On the 13th November, the young Queen Isabel was conveyed from Kennington through Southwark to the Tower of London.^ King Henry IV. was here when the Bishops and clergy made their complaints to him against Sir John Oldcastlo and the Lollards.- A.D. 1419. In the Gth of Ilcnry V., Thomas Burcester was the Keeper of the Manor of Kennington.^ A.D. 1430. King Henry VI. was here in June 1437 and 1431).^ King Henry VII., a few days before his coronation, came from Kennington, and was entertained by Archbishop Bouchier at Lambeth.^ A.D. IGll. King James I., in his eighth year, settled the Manors of Kennington and Vauxhall on Henry Prince of Wales; antl on his death, in 1(J12, on Prince Charles.*" A.D. 1615 and a.d. 162G. A survey of this manor was made in 1615 ; and in 162G another survey was made, and about the same time the gardens and site of the i)alace were let for the first time. It was then a stone building 231 feet long and 156 feet deep, as apj>eared from an old plan in the po.s.se.ssion of J. iMiddiiton, K.s(j., the bailill'of the iManor.' A.D. IGGl. On the Restoration tlir King took possession of Kennington, and on the 2Gth Januaiy, IGGl, demised to Lonl Henry Moore, afterwards Karl of l)n)gheda, the capital messuage of this manor and lands parcel thereof, and of the Duchy of Cornwall, and the capital messuage of Vauxhall,** ♦ Stow, 273, 274. Allon'u Hint. L.itii- '• Su.w'm Aniialn. AUun'u Hint. Laiu- bt-th, ]>. 2r,). both, II. 3y2. ' St4>w"H Annala. Allen'n Hint. Lam- « Allfii'ii Hint. Lainl.rlh, p 2.1!). l»<!lli, p. 'i'^rt. • Allrn'M llidloiy of LiunlioUi, p. 2rtO, • liuho(> of Wincheitor'd Ht% ISinu- ami .Niilml'M MiHtory <<( I.(iiiil>clli, ji. SM. fort, 1, 44 ). Allun'a liUt. I^iiilxith, p. " Vnnxlinll, i'mikcHlmll, or Koxli.iII, 2&9. t)r<>|M>rly KiilkcN ilnll, and no callml fniii)

  • Allcn'd Ilijit. I^atiihi'lli, p. 2fi'J. Fiiiko <!« Mri'.iut(<, lu< edrliratoil incr-
  • Kyti>er'n F«i;*l. vul. lU, 07'J, 7-4. coiuiry follower of King JoLu. (Murr.ay'»
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