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By HENRY MAC-LAUCIILAN, F.G S. I.v the small accompanying sketcli the object has been to incorporate, on the modern map of the district, the proper position of the ancient Talacc of Kennington, from a map made in the reign of King Cliarles the First, a.d. 1636. Two copies of this ohl map are in existence, one in " Ducarel's History of Lambetli," and the other in "Allen's History of Lambeth." The original is in the office of the Duchy of Corn^Yall. but its relation to the modern roads is not shown. The spot is known as Prince's Place at the Duchy Ollice, but as Ball's Yard in the neighbourhood, from the name of a recent occupier. In collecting the information necessary, 1 have to acknowledge the assistance of the Hon. Secretary, Mr. Durtt, and particularl}-^ that of Sir Edward Smirke, whose introduction to Mr. l^atcinan, of the Duchy Office, enabled me to verify the published maps of the ancient site ; there is not a stone of the ancient structure now above ground by ^vhich it might be identified ; the site is no longer marked on the maps of the day, and even the name has falhn out of the Gazetteers; so that a partial restoration i'rom good authority ma}' possibly not be without interest to ai-chieologist.s. It is not intended here to wi'ito a histor>' of tho Palace of Kennington, but merely to give a chronological list of some of the principal events c()mu'ct('(l with it. In early tim(>s it is very j)robaijle that the sj)acc between the hills at Cand)er- well and the rising grounds at Deptford andClapham, and as far as Lambeth, was originally a vast l)ay or lake, overllowed by the tide, and at low watci- a sandy jtlain ; and that when the Romans fixed themselves in Knglaiid they imj)roved it by banking out the I'lianifs and by draining.' Tije earliest lii.storical fact on record relating to Lambeth ' Allon'N Itiit. I<Aml*vlh. p. 28S. In wiilinut iiutuo. Novniiihur Hh, 170/>, Uio 1720 tliii jiliui- ({nvo tlu! litli) of Karl to titlf Imh-auk- rxlinct. At]>, H.ll tlic unino William A iiK'i«tu« I)iikc< nf ('iiniKiTlnnil, nnllnT rontiimcit : " ()|i|i()Hil<> llm W liilo MCcoiid Koii oi (Jt<iir({o 2iicl, but lie (l)iii).; II. tit ^formerly n liaiiilHuiiKi iii.iiiHiuii in

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