< Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 29.djvu
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ness has been urgeJ as an objection to its derivation from the ancient word si^nifvinsr a beacon or look-out station.-* That objection appears to me to vanish before the statement in the petition of 1G58, that there had been a great hill there, consisting of " many thousand loads" — doubtless of good gravel or sand. Horse-races were run in Tothill Fields, and the following letter was written by Wilcocke, Bi.shop of Rochester and Dean of Westminster, in 173G, drawing the attention of Mr. Gell (the steward) to the com- plaints that had been made about the disorders committed at such gatherings. Letter from the Bishop of Rochester {Dean of Westminster) to " Mr. Daniel Cell at Westminster Abbey." "Bromley, Sept. 28, 1736. " Sir, — I sent to inquire after you yesterday, but neither you nor your clerk were in town ; and I send again to-day to advise you that complaints are made of the great dis- orders committed in Tothil fieMs at the late races. It has been signified to me from Court that the Government is offended at the riotous assemblies that have met there, the Dean and Ciiapter have been higldy reflected upon, money having been demanded at the booths an<l scalibldings as for the use of the Dean and Chapter, and for which we are threatened to be complained of to Parliament ; and the nobihty and gentry who have children at our school are under the greatest uneasiness about it. " What 1 would have you do therefore, is to give notice that ,as they ended last Saturday, the}' are not to be revived again, nor allowed any more ; and to give order that tlie Ixjoths and benches be forthwith taken away, and the fields reduced to their former state. Let mi; hear from you by to-night's post that you'll do this or else I shall be obliged to come to town myself to sec it done. " ^'ours, &c., " Jos. Rochester." ' Scvcml oxamplon of the prcnont iiho «f inodcrn row of Iiouhoh nt ita foot Ih naiiu'd tlio wxnl fi|iplii!<l to uli)vat«!<l M|t<itii conlil " I'wt mil '1'iti.w;i!." lliilliwi'll ^ivcH iloiit»tl.'HK I).! foiiiid. .Mftiiy of our rciKJiTM "Toot, to pry iiiiiiiiHitivrly. tir//i. AImo will recolUxit thftt lit Cixiwirvitii llio lioM Ui ku/.d nt u.-ij^orly." A/sn " Toto, to look, irioiM of rock jiixt outMiilii Ihi- Unvii on olmi-rvo, or jioep (A. — S.)" Al.su " I'oto- • ho north oaiit, whi<rh fttFonlH m<i «jti!cll<Mit hill, an omiuvnco — ' moiitaiijiifffr,' I'alH- t% vi<iw, iM cnllutl " i'wt Mill." aii<l n gravo."

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