circular oniaineut inclosing a cross is sculptured in the centre of the altar-slab ; and in a neighbouring chapel stands an immense, ancient ^YOoden chest. In a third chapel the rare feature ap}>ears of a basin fur washing the hands in- serted in the wall. The Baptistery occupies a portion of the circuit of one of the Ivoman gateway towers ; it contains superb mosaics in marble and mother-o'-pearl, and a white marble font resembling in shape a common cooking copper. The interior of the other Roman gate tower is partly used as a burial-place, the interments being made in vaults. On the front of one of these tombs is inserted a white marble roundel representing a cross within a wreath. Xear the door leading to these tombs, and over another door, in a small chamber, is the most interesting inscription in four lines on a beam of cedar, partly concealed in the masonry, which has been published, although imperfectly, b}-- Sir Gardner Wilkinson, in "^lurray s Hand-book for Egypt." ^ With the assistance of Mr. Eaton, who is now preparing a new edition of that work, I copied the inscription afresh, and I believe that its correctness may be relied on. although its position and the decayed state of the wood renders its collation a matter of difficulty. It will be seen that the beginning of each clause is imperfect. _ AM — M — TAIAXAYCnANTCAWCMHK€KTHMeNO C€NoAKATL0K€inANTOnAHPL0MATHCG€OTHTOC WAYTOYPrOYCINAIANtOC — T— A ] — TU)CAYTONr€P€POYCIN€NTPICAriA<I)WNHAAO NT€CSA€nONT€CAniOCAPIOCAniOC€IK€nAHPH COOYNOCSHPHTH 1 — COYnOAV€YCnAXN€K€OTI€NOYNOICAWPAT0C tONnO I KIAOICAYNAM6CI N€N H>i I N6YAOHCACTOI CBPWTOICCYN ] — HTOPOC — APIAC€niKOYPOCT€NOYABBAo€OA — POYnPO€AA®#S^rEC0PriWAIAKsOIKN — TPA^'n— AIOKA— I A 1 ' An an.istatic drawing by Sir Gard- reading (which slightly differs from mine ner'a own hand repre,«ents this inscription and Jlr. F. A. Eaton's), and the transla- with the accompanying figures, apparently tion of the inscrijition may there be representing the Twelve Apostles, with found, with some remarks by the Rev. our Lord in glory, supported by angels, A. Cumby. The inscription is there in the centre. Sue Archreologia Canibren- ascril)e<l to the third year of Diocletuin, sis, vol. ii., fourth series, p. 152. The a.u. 284.