^rrlinfDlofjical Intdlirjfurf,
A valualilo work of reference m connection with the History, Topo- gi-apliy, and Antiquities uf the Northern Marches is ready fur ]nib]i- catiun (hy suhscrii)tiun) by Mr. Williaia Diidd, Xewoastlc upon-Tyne. It will be entitled, " IJibliotheca Xorthunibriensis et Dunelinensis," and will comprise detailed notices of all the sources of information concerning the two most northern counties. Price, to subscribers, one guinea, Mr. Aldis of Worcester, announces a collection of i)hotogTaphs of early sculptures in stone and wood in Worcester Cathedral, including a valuable selection from the carvings of the thirteenth century, the entire series of the " Misereres " in the choir, with their highly curious and gi'otcsrjuc sculptures. The International Congress of Prehistoric Arehreology will take place at Brussels, conimencing August 22, and closing on August 30. Full piirticulai"s regarding this, the sixth congress, and the proposed airango- mcnts, excursions, itc, may bo obtained from the sccietary, M. Dupont, Museo Royal d'llistoiro Xaturellc, at Brussels. An important volume on Prehistoric Ethnography in ICuropo is announced for publication at Brussels by M. Ch. Steur, member of the lloyal Academy of Belgium. It will form three volumes 8vo, with maps and tables of coin])arativc lexicogi-aphy, the price l)eing 8 francs each volume (about 7s. df.) delivered in this country. Subscribers' names are received by Messrs. Williams and Norgate, II. Henrietta Street, Covent Cjardcn. The work is entitled as follows : — " Kthno- graphio dcs Pcuples do TKuropc avaut Ji'sus Cln-ist, ou Essai sur Ics nomadcs dc I'Asie, lours migrations, Icur oi-igiiie," itc. The second ])orti')n of the collection of " Irish Sepulchral Slabs and Christian Inscrii)tions, from the earliest known cxam]iles to tho twelfth century, chielly from clrawings l)y the late Dr. (leorgc Petrio, liuK rcccnily been is.sued to the sultscribcrs. Tho work is of essential intcrcHt, both in an artistic and philological ])t)int of view. It is edited by .Miss St(ikcs, with tho assistance of tho Ilev. W. lleovcs, I).!)., and of other distinguished Arohioologists in tho sister kingdom. {'"uU particulars may bo obtained from tho Bev. .lames (Jraves, luisnag, Stoneyford, Kilkenny.