the various reproductions of tlio profile portraiture, from the type of the emerald cameo, formerly, as believed, in the Vatican. See Mr. King's Memoir, Arch. Journal, vol. xxvii., p. 181. Imphessions of Meui-kval Seals. — I'y Mr. J. G. Faxsiiawe. — A Frencli conventual seal, recently purchased in London ; it appears to have been used iu one of the monasteries at Metz, anciently known as Mehe, or Jfeds. There were no less than seven conventual establish- ments in that city, as stated in the (Jallia Christiana. The matrix, of pointed-oval form, measures 2| in. by H in. The device represents, under a triple-arched canopy, two full-length figures, that on the dexter side being a mitred ecclesiastic, holding a crosier in the right hand, a book in the left ; on the sinister side a female figure issuing from the jaws of a dragon or monstrous creature, coarsely represented. It has been supposed that this may represent St. Martha, or possibly St. Margaret. Legend in Roman cai)itals — sigillvm prioris conventvs METENSis. The work is very rude, the matrix being probaljly an unskilful reproduction in the sixteenth century of an older seal tiiat may have been damaged or lost. By Dr. Kexdrick, M.D. — Impression of the signet of Charlotte de la Tremouille, consort of James, seventh Earl of Derby. She gallantly defended Lathom House in 1G44, and the Isle of Man in 1G51, This interesting little seal liears an escutcheon, ensigned with an carl's coronet, and charged with the arms of Stanley impaling La Tremouille, a chevron between three eaglets. The escutcheon is encircled by a cordeliere, frequently thus used in France on the seal of a widow.