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70 mi:dical recipes of the seventeenth century.

Brisco of Farrall, uho ^Yas bitt by a mad dog and in a very ill frantick condition, liis Friends nnicli troubled resolved to send him to sea and use all meanes for his recovery, an Italian ^lountebank by chance came where he was, and understand- ing y*^ matter, gave him y* verse as 'tis directed and it cured him. ^Ir. "Wh. says he has cured many of his dogs with it. Very strange. Conies and liares are subject to two infirmityes onely, cured by the following medicine. * * * All Poultry, as Cocks, hens, Turkeycs, ]^cacocks, pheasants, partridges, quails, doves, are cured with flbure medicines. All Singing Birds, as nightingale, linnett, Solitary sparrow,^ goldfinch, miskinc, spink,"* Cannary bird, CordialF larke, Callandar,^ blackbird, Bobbin, throstle, are cured with three medicines. Lastly come the Hawks, seemingly a pampered race, for their maladies require six medicaments. We might greatly have augmented these extracts, but enough is given to indicate the state of medical science under the !Merry ]ronarch. Nothing less than a perusal of the volume itself would be re([uired to learn fully what our an- cestors had to midergo when in the doctor's hands. ]Ian3 of the ingredients are of so — eccentric a nature that ^lacbeth's cauldron is quite appetising in comparison : " Eye of newt and toe of frog, "Wool of bat and tonj,'ue of dopf, Adder's furk and blind worm's sting." Ko doubt Shakespeare was well acquainted with the phar- macopa-ia of the Court Doctors of his day. Sir John apjjcars to have devoted paiticular attention to the ever-j)revalent Bnglish malady of consumption. Amongst the foregoing nostrums will bo found one compounded of ^lalaga, with various herbs scraped and sliced, "that hath <lone great wonders," enhanced by the fact "that it cost y" ' Prohal.ly thnKci<l ^[>.■UT(.w, i;iiil>criz.*i AlniKl.i iii.ixiina" of AMrnvainliiH, ii. SchfrriichiM f)f the (>niilli<>l<>Ki«lii. ><1'J. " (jrim««« nlonclto mi Ciilandro " of ^ Liy. tlio Hinkin. Friiigilla fi|iimiH nf niiflcin, v. ■ll». WclHij^'miil and ili-Hcribcd I.inruiuH. ('anlmliH Mjiinim c.f Ynmll. in (iimlil, vol. iii., ami in tin- " JJinN of ♦ " Sjiinko, th<; C'hnflihcli ; " iMin«licn. Kurojx'," liy Sliaipc ami I)iiHHrr, l>t. fi, Thin iiaiMi!, Hlill cniTfnt in I^ncanliiro, in July, LS71. Tlio lioinoi>f tliia liinl, liow- dcriv«<l from tlic call iioU; of tin- binl. ever, in tho mmlli of Kiiiojic, bciiiy luoat ' 'rii<! iiky-lark. (,'ory«lalnM: K»/>i/JaAif. rarely fonn<l in l'!n(^'laii(I. • Tho Calan'lra hrk. " Calatnlra m-n

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