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Span-, poiukleJ small aiul Jiimk in AVliitc Yiiic or Ale, is an excellent remedy in this disease. " J/cad-ac/ic." '• The juice of Ground-ivy snuft up into y nose out of a spoono taketh aAvay y*^^ greatest pti'ino thereof that is. This medicine is ^Yorth gold, says E. T." For Consumption is reconnuended an infusion in Avhich the following ingredients take part : — ^falaga-sacke, liver- wort, Dandak'on-root scrap't and y pith tookc out, and a piece of Elecampane slic't. " My sister Legge sent this to my Lady Archbold 25 Jan. IGTJ Yvith this comendation, that it hath done great Yvonders and such cures of Consump- tion as never Avere knownc before, and that it cost y Countess of Denbigh 40ii." A portion of the volume is devoted to the maladies of various quadrupeds and birds. The ailments of each class are thrown into groups, and a certain small number of medicines (ranging from 12 to 3) are assigned for the cure of all in each group. The horse, as the noblest animal, re- quires the largest medicine-chest. The lieading is " All Diseases of Horses cured by 12 jredicines." Omitting the various ailments Avhich it is destined to terminate, ve give " The .Second Medicine." " Flirst lett the horse blood in the neck vcni' till it run pure, bleed him avcII, then stanch the vene. Then take of Assafctida as much as a hazle-initt, dissolve it in a saucer of strongc wine vinegar : J)ip llax hurds therein, stop the same liard into the horses eares, stitcli the tops of y' eares with a needle and thrcatl to keej>c the mcilicine in. Then take the Avliitc cankerous Moss that grows upon an (»M ();ik(' an hand- full or more ; a roote or two of elecanip.uic, Imil it in a. jiottlc of new niilke to the halfc, givi; it tlu- lioise lnokwarme in the morning fasting." * * ♦ J^'inaily, little c.ikcs ai'o pre- parctl of Colts-foot, tuipciitinc, and some otlu-i- ingrcilients. ' Of calcarcouH tnc<1iciiiuM, ('liArk-M |iiiiitii1ctl nnil given in powdci'H to cnttlo ; Stotlinrd, ill hi<i MutnitirH, ({Ivch tin .in for ala)i[uit4T, I tiii(li'rHtan<l, Ih (iHovun-iKn ainiminK Mnrv.<itU). WritiiiK from niin- ri'nn'<Iy f<ir Mi«) rot in hlicop, luul oUi< r bury in (.'lu-Mliire, lin nayii, " 'riio i-IIL'y ili«or<iirii of tlmt natiiri'. 'J')ic< kiii^lil'H fif .Sir H^l^;ll ' iilvolcy, n nrrtit noldii-r fi'<t, mvoril, liiiK<rH, und jcu t of IiIh cn-Ht, iin«l<r lli« l'.lft<k I'rinco, in my milijt'ol, Imvo nlriMdy hccn ummI fur tlm .iliovr pur- nntl in t<il<-rati|i' itnurrvntion, conDiiicrin^ |K>no." — Mcmuirn, p. lOs. tUo ho/arda it haii olrcidy run of boing

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