" A hloic on jf Eye!' " My Father Fl. (Flo^^er) going into Salisbury received so violent a blow from y^' Coachman's ^Yhip upon his Eye that nothing of y^' Eye could bee scene, but Nvas like a piece of marrow of different colours. An excellent oculist, l)r. Tur- bevile, living there, thus cur'd him, above his owne expecta- tion, my Father being then ncere GO yeares of age. He sent fur young pigeons, and letting y'" blood under y^' wing, as fast as he could, putt y^' warmc blood into his Eye for halfo an hourc together, after which he lay'd on a warme cloth and bound up his Eye for that night. In y morning he brought with him y seeds of Oculus Christi and putt y" into y" corner of his Eye, after which with a decoction of Balmo and Betony he wash't it often in a day w a sponge ; and this in a short time restored y'" Sight perfect." " For the asthma " we have : — " R. the inner part of Ash keyes, parsly roots, powder of jctt. After all, the powder of a Sea horse." " For a Cohir " Virginia Tobacco (y-' stronger y" better) drycd and pow- drcd to Snuft', and so taken at going to bed, is most excel- lent for a cold." " Dr. Watson of Sutton, when my wife was confined and in great danger, directed her to take purple sewing silke, and cutt it very small with sizars, as much as could ly upon a G, and having turned the white of an Egg out, mix the silke and yelke, filling y"' Shell up with the best Alccant wine in y roome of y*" white, so stirr it up well and sup it of. Ex- cellent, ^fy wife has given it to others very successfully." " Convulsions. " " R. the furr of a living Bear's belly, boil it in Aqua Vita?, take it out, sqceze it and wrap it upon y" soalcs of f Feet." Another!' " The kneebone of an Hare taken out alive and worne about the neckc is excellent against Convulsion fitts." " Calculus!' "Dr. ^[cazler told mce (19 Feb. IGfJ) that an ingenious Gentleman near y*-" INlincs in Derbishire assured him that VOL. iXIX. ^