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ai"e sage, rue, elder leaves, red bramble leaves, ^vllite wine cind ginger. " So drink of it evening and morning 9 dayes together : the first spoonfuU will by Gods grace preserve safe for 24 daycs, and after y ninth spoonfuU for one whole yeare."' Another " safe medicine " is as follows : — " Take a locke of y Owne hair, cutt it as small as may bee, and so take it in beere or wine." The next is not so appetising : " For a dull hearing. Take a grey snaile, prick him, and jtutt y water w'"' comes from him into y^' care and stop it with black wool, it will cure." " To cure the biting or stinqinrj of a Snake as it Juith been often trycdy " Take y^' leaves of a Burr-dock, stamp and straine y'" and so drink a good quantity, halfe a pint at y least, y^" simple juice itselfe is best." Here is another antidote to the plague : — " Take a Cock chicken and pull off y^' feathers from y Tayle till y"^^ rump bee bare, y" hold y bare of y'" same upon y^' sore, and y«  chicken will gape and labor for life, anil in y' end will dye, then take another and do y like, and so another still as they dye, till one lives, for then y'" vcnomc is drawne out. The last chicken will live and y patient will mend very speedily." "yl most prctious Water of W'allnntts'" Cures many ailments. Among the rest : " One tlrop in y Eyes healelh all infirmityes, it healeth pal.syes, it causcth sleep in y night. If it be used moderately with wine, it prcserveth life so long as nature will permitt.' l')r Sciatica.^ Til ]>riniij>al ingredient is "the iii.iriuw of a llorso (kill'd bv chance, not dying of any disease) mixed wiili some rose water. * * * ('liafc it in with a w.-irnic hand foi" a (piarter (if an houre, then jmtt on ;i Scai-jett cldtli, Uro.-id enough lo cover v' ]»'i't allecled and ^o iiilo a warnie IJed. It cured my Aunt Jjakes, who went yearly (o the I'ath foi- y Sciatica, l^ut never went after she kn<w and n.M<| this medicine."

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