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431 ford Hundrcil, 31 ; visit of the Insti- tute to Bury St. Edmuiuls, '.iU7 ; pulilieatioiis rilating to Bury, by Mr. Tyniius, iidtieed, .'503. SussKx: — British urns found at Alfriston, 23 ; enamelled Inickle, 25 ; Roman coffin and urns found at Westergate, ib. ; gold ring found at Bormcr, 2!i ; document relating to Boxgrovo Priory, 46 ; sun-dial at liishopstono church, 60 ; British urn lound near Lewes, 64 ; gold brooch found at Brigliton, 71 ; notice of Alichelham I'riory, 84 ; remarks on churches, West Hani, 13!{; Old and New Shoreham, 1 3D ; Sojnjjt- ing, 141 ; Bayham Abbey, 147 ; ena- melled bronze found near Lewes, 1!J7 ; brick- work at Laughton Place, 190. Sword, Sa.on, 98, 108. Talbot de Malauide, Lord, remarks on Irish antiquities, 62 ; address at the Cambridge Meeting, 3!U. Tessellated pavement, found at Uplyme, 49; in Bisliopsgate, 184. Thurnam, Dr., his memoir on the tumulus near Uleybury, 316. Tiles, Roman, for roofing, 49 ; mediseval, in the British Museum, 31 ; found at Haberdashers' Hall, 72, 81, 180 ; at Thornton Abbey, 285 ; stove-tile of Nuremberg ware, 80 ; Moorish, 186, 188. Tite, Mr., exhibits a MS. book of prayers, 286. Tobacco-pipes, early manufacture of, 1 8 1 . Todd, Rev. Dr., his remarks on Irish gold ornaments, 184, 395 ; on a bronze staff found in Ireland, 185. Toilet implements exhibited, 188, 288. Tore, golden, found in Staffordshire, 54. Traherne, Rev. J. M., exhibits a miniature by Cooper, 298 ; notice of gold buckles worn by Charles I., i/t. Treasure Trove, remarks on, 184. Trollope, Mr. A., presents a Roman inscrip- tion to the British Museum, 25. Trollope, Rev. E., presents Saxon urns to the British Museum, 28 ; his account of a decoi'ative pavement at Rheims, 38 ; of a mural painting found at Rauceby, 68 ; cross-slab at Raueeby, 189 ; magician's collar from Finmark, 280 ; stone coffin found at Ancaster, 283. { Tucker, Mr. C , his notice of an inscribed | bell in Bedale church, 72 ; gold rings found at E.veter, 187; shell -shaped ■ watch, 188. I Tucker, Rev. G., his account of a Roman 1 villa at Uplyme, 49. Turner, Rev. W., Ins account of sepulchral urns in co. Carlow, 73. Tweezers found witii Saxon remains, 99, 113. U. Uley, Gloucestershii-e, chambered tumulus at, 315. Uleybury Camp, described, 328, Upcher, Hon. Mrs., presents an enamelled vase to the British Museum, 29. VuUiamy, Mr., exhibits malls with the ball for playing pall mall, 79. W. Wales : — Fragment of the gold corslet found at Mold, 59 ; observations on Bi-econ Pi-ioi'y clmrch, 145 ; ivory comb, stated to iiave been found in ^^'ales, 179; bronze plate f(jund at Castell y Bere, iO. ; leaden dove found at Valle Crucis, ib. ; charter of Caer- narvon exhibited, 287 ; stone imple- ment found in Denbighshire, 414. Walford, Mr., on a seal of Peter, bishop of Beauvais, 269 ; on certain rights of Christ Church, Canterbury, 272 ; on examples of mediaeval seals, 367. Walrond, Mr., seals in his collection, 182. Wardon Abbey, medallions with arms of, 30. Warwickshire: — Reliques found near Coventry, 56 ; stone piscina (!) found at Kenilworth Castle, 297. Watches, ancient, exhibited, 188, 288. Way, Mr., exhibits a gold Merovingian coin found in Surrey, 69 ; seal found at Canterbury, 73 ; his notices of the game of pall mall, 253 ; of certain rights of Christ Church, Canterbury, 274 ; of a pig of lead found on the Mendip Hills, 278 ; of Roman coins found at Coleraine, 283 ; of an enamel- led altar cruet found in Ireland, 297 ; of an ancient church at Ebb's Nook, Northumberland, 410. Webb, Mr., exhibits the charter of Caer- narvon, 287 ; his notice of desecration at lona, 2.')3. Westmacott, Mr., his observations on Saxon remains ibund by Mr. Neville at Linton Heath, 51 ; on early art in Ireland, and representations of sacred persons, 76. Westmin.ster Abbey, proposed restoration of royal tombs, 294, 403. Westwood, Mr., his remarks on the value of tlu' Faussctt collection, 52 ; exhi- bits fac-similes of Saxon and Irish 3 L

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