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INDEX. at Bucklersbury, 186,283 ; celts found in the Thames, "295,413 ; antiquities in Mr. Ainslie's collection, 41(5. Low windows, in churches in Cornwall, 33; such windows possildy connected with anchonii^es, 1 y;>. Lower, Mr., seal iu his possession, 182. Ljchuoscopes, in churches iu Cornwall, 33. M. Madden, Sir F., observations on tiie mode of scaling en placitrd, 2G1. Maiden Wav, Cumberland, Survey of, 1,124, 217,345. Mail, armour, how cleaned, 386. Majeiuiie, Mr., exhibits drawings of the De Vere tombs at Earls' Coliio, 78. Majolica, iu tlie British Mustuni, 31 ; in Mr. Franks' collection, 72; exhibited by Mr. Forrest, !]0,2!(b". Manning, Rev. C. R., his notice of a frame (for a fenestral ?) at Framingham Earl, Norfolk, LOO. Mantell, Dr., his collection of antiquities, now iu the Briti.sh Museum, 23, 28. Marklaud, Mr.,liis appeal for the preserva- tion of churches, 1 83, 282. Maughan, Rev J., his Survey of the Maiden Way, 1,1 24, 217,. -ilo. Mayer, Mr., ])rc=cnis an Astrolabe to the British Mu!:eum, 30 ; jmrchases the Faussett collection, '.)], 04, 403. Meeting, Annual, in London, 1 1)2 ; at Cam- bridge, 31(8. Mctivier, .Mr., seals in his posscj-sion relating to the Channel Islands, 1!>2. Mirror, Roman, found in Sussex, 25 ; mirror case, of ivory, in the Rev. W. S. Sneyd's museum, 181. Monument«,memorial for theirpresei'vation, 177,183. Mosaic pavements, at Uplyme, 49 ; in BishojJHgate, 184. Morgan, Mr., observations on ancient stone implements, 1(J.'» ; cxhiliits a brass mould lor the Agnus Dei, 1 80 ; document with seals of the guilds of Cologne, 298. Museum, British, see under B. N. Nchbitt, Mr., his account of sepulcliral bra.i'Hf-H, at Erfurt, Baml)erg, and Cra- cow, 170 ; at .Meissi-'U antl Luliec,28!) ; cftHtx from sculptures in ivory exliibited by him, l50, 3!)4. Nkvili.k, Hon. It. C.jliiH diHcovirifK at the Saxon cemeti-ry ou Linton ilrntli, .M, U!i ; memoir ou Ancient ( iiinbritlgi'- Hhin-, 207 ; notii-i-s ot Jfoiii.in villa excnvuied nl Wendi-n, 77 ; of a jiit containing iron implementM, (' , at Chesterford, 278 ; of a piscina at Wen- den, 298 ; notices of antiquities in his museum, seal of a Prior of Bilsingtou, 61 ; gold ring found at Easton, //(.; coin of Cunobeline louud at Wenden, 78 ; silver ring, Creat Chesterford, 79 ; leaden ilove, 179 ; Greek medallion of Caracaila, 294 ; seal of Margaret de Neville, communicated by, 370. Nichols, Mr. J. G., ancient needlework exhibited by, 28(!. Nightingale, Mr., exhibits a massive rii'g of baked clay from Wilton, 190; a lamp or cresset, 191. Nori'olk: — bruuzebust foundat Caister, 58 ; frame for a fenestral (?) at Framinuhani Earl, 190 ; seal of Laurence de att 1- ingtoue, 377 ; seal of Hundred of .South Ei'piniiliam, 378. Norris, Ml'., exhibits a deed with seal of William Mounceaux,298. NoRTHAMi'TONSHiRK : — haud-briclc found at Oundle,27 ; seal of W. de Clare, 31 ; obsequies of Katharine of Arragon at Peterborough, 352. NouTuuMBKRLAND : — brass cwer fouud near Hexham, 29 ; site of an ancient church at Ebb's Nook, 410. Norri.NCHAMSHiRE : — gold ring found at Nottingham, 188 ; brass iu Newark church, 191. O. O'Neill, Mr., his observations ou urns found in Ireland, 75 ; ou sculptured crtjsscs iu Ireland,' (;4, 75, 1(;9, 185. Oliver, the Rev. Dr., on the ancieut church iu Exeter Castle, 156. Oxi-ouDsiuRE : — bronze spear found at Littlenu)re, 186. Paintings, mural, at Pickering, 66 ; at Kauceby, t)8. Pall Mall, notices of the game of, 79, 252. Passion, symbols of, 81, 1!)3. i'avemcnt. Decorative, at Rheims, 38. Seo Til(.M. Peterborough, obsequies of Katliarliii' of Ari'agon at, 352. Pickering, Yorkshire, nuiral paintings fomid there, 66 ; sepulchral elligies there, 08. Pi]ies, for smoking, exhibited by Mr. Hrrn- hard Smith, 181. Pits, possibly silcK of ancient dwellings, in C'umlx-rland, 16. Pomimder, golden, found mar the Thames, 79. I'onyngeH, Luke iIi*, his will, 15. I'oste, Rev. Beale, his remarks on ;i Urilish

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