427 lection, .'59 ; penannular brooch, 70 ; silver crucifix, 1!)0 ; crucifix figure found in co. Cork, 297. Holden, Mr., exhiVjits a bronze bowl found in Ireland, 4 1 3. Holyhead, bronze reliques found near, 24. Horn, of ivory, in Mr. Blackburn's pos- session, l!i8. Horse, remains of, in a cist, with Roman interments at Bath, 289, 409. Ilorse-slioes, ancient, found near Silbury Hill, Go, 296. Howlett, Mr., on mechanical aids for draw- iuji, DIG. Hugo, Rev. T., exhibits a fragment of the gold corslet found at Mold, 59 ; bronze armlet, 1 86 ; spoon and ligula found in Bucklersljury, 283 ; bronze celt found in the Thames, 29,5 ; stone celt found in the Thames, 413. Hu.NTiNGDONSHiRE : — Sculptured cross at Fletton, 281. I. Inscriptions, Roman, found at Lincoln, pre- sented to the British Museum, 25 ; Roman, found at Bewcastle, 127 ; Runes, on the cross there, 1 30, 1 32. lona, neglected state of remains there, 293. Ireland :^flint knives, urns, bronze ob- jects, gold ornaments, &c., obtained for the British Museum, 24, 58 ; bronze brooches, 25 ; silver ring-money in Mr. Hoare's collection, 59 ; remarks on peculiar types of the crucifix in early art, 63 ; brooch in Mr. Hoare's collection, 70 ; seal of Joseph, Dean of Armagh, 73 ; urns found on Ballon Hill, CO. Carlow, 73 ; emblems of the Passion, 80, 193 ; notices of sculptured crosses, 75, 169, 185 ; gold ornaments found in co. Clare, 184 ; metal staff resembling that used in the Greek Church, 185 ; silver crucifix in Mr. Hoare's collection, 1 90 ; Roman coins and silver ingots found near Coleraine. 283, 409 ; gold ring brooch in Mr. E. Shirley's collection, 285 ; seal found at Kilkenny, 283 ; crucifix figure in Mr. Hoare's collection, 297; enamelled altar- cruet, 297 ; chambered tumuli, 324; bronze bowl, 413. Ivory, sculptured works of, Saracenic cofter, exhibited by Mr. Farrer, 71 ; i diptychs, figure of the Good Shepherd, ; &e., exhibited by Mr. Wilson, 72 ; ' combs found at Pompeii and in Wales, 179 ; casts from examples on the con- tinent, obtained by Mr. Nesbitt, 180, 394 ; in the Rev. W, Sneyd's collec- tion, 181 ; horn, mounted in silver, in Mr. Blackburn's possession, 188 ; casts exhibited by Mr. Westwood, 197. Java, ancient stone wedges or axe-heads found there, 1 16. Jenkins, Mr., his account of antiquities in Herefordshire, 55. Jet, Spanish seal formed of, 73 ; bead of, found with Saxon remains, 109. K. Katharine of Arragon, her obsequies at Peterborough, 35.3. Kelke, Rev. W. H., on sepulchral effigies at Clifton Reynes, 149. Kenilworth Castle, stone piscina (?) found there, 2,97. Kent : — seal found at Canterbury, 73 ; Accounts of Constables of Dovor Castle, 381 ; church of the Templars at Dovor, 413. Lamp-holders, Roman, found in London, 416. Le Keux, Mr., exhibits drawings of Stone- henge, and architectural subjects, 59 ; urn found at Kaling, 72 ; drawing of St. Ethelbert's Tower, Canterbury, 81 ; illustrations of the restored Cathedral at Drontheim, 180 ; his proposed publicati(jn on stone crosses, 280. Lead, pig of, found on the Mendip Hills, 278. Leckhampton, pottery, iron weapons, &c., found near, 292 ; bronze head-piece and spear, 293, 413. Leemans, Dr., on stone implements found in Java, 116. Limoges, enamelled work of, examples noticed, 31, 80, 186, 296. Lincolnshire : — Roman inscription from Lincoln, presented to the British Museum, 25 ; hand-bricks, 27 ; mural painting at Rauceby, described, 68 ; cross-slab at Rauceby, 189; stone coftin found at Ancaster, 283 ; pavement tiles, from Thornton Abbey, 285 ; ball of variegated elnys, found at Revesby,295; seals of WaLshcroft Hundred, 378; seal of Flaxwell Hundred, 379. Linton Heath, Anglo-Saxon cemetery dis- covered there by Hon. R. Neville, 51, 95. London : — Roman sarcophagus found in the Minories, 25 ; Samian ware, tiles, &c., at Haberdashers' Hall, 72, 81, 180 ; gold ring, at London Bridge, 73 ; pro- ceedings in reference to the threatened destruction of City churches, 176, 183, 282, 402 ; Mosaic pavement in Bishops- gate, 184 ; sepulchral slabs found at St. lUnct's Fink, 185 ; bronze ai'mlet, &c.,