425 Clayton, Mr., lii.s rciuarlis on Treasure Trove, 184. Clifton Keynes, seimlchral efttgies there, 14.'). Coffins, Iloman, in the Minories, 25 ; near Cliielie.ster, ih. ; at Ancaster, 283 ; at Ikitli, 2!i;», 408. Coins, liritish, found at Silchester, 57 ; Iloman, found in Ireland, 28.'i, 401) ; Roman, found with Anglo-Saxon re- mains, 9!), 114; ined.allion of Caraeaila, found at Icldeton, 294 ; Iloman, found at Uleybury, 325 ; at Bath, 409 ; coin of Cinioheline, t'ouml at Wenden, 78 ; gold Merovingian coin found at Brock- ham, 69. Coleraine, Roman coins discovered near, 283, 409. Comb, found at Maycnce, 54 ; Saxon, found at Linton Heath, 113 ; of sculptured ivory, exhibited by Mr. Uoiicke, 179. Cooper, Mr., his notice of seals for Labourers' Passes, 379. Cornwall : — lyehiioscopes at Mawgau, Grade, &c., 33. Courteuay family, letters relating to, 165. Crosier, enamelled, in the British Museum, 31. Cross, j)rocessional, from Glastonbury, 30 ; Russo-Greek, 288 ; silver, found in Ireland, 190. — , sculptured, found at Cambridge, 70 ; in Ireland, 75, 1G9, 185: at Bew- eastle, with Runic inscription, 130 ; proposed publication on crosses by Mr. Le Keux, 280. — headstone, St. Margaret's Church, Herefordsldre, SG ; sepulchral slab, Rauceby, ()8. — , earthwork in shape of, 55. Crossbows, exhibited by Mr. Bernhard Smith, 296. Crucifix, peculiar ancient types of, in Ire- land, 63, 185. Crump, Rev. C, exhibits the seal of Eves- ham Abbey, 418. Cufic characters, on an ivory coffer, 71. Cumberland: — Survey of the Maiden Way, 1, 124, 217, 345; notices of Bewcastle, 125, 351 ; stone weapon found near the river Kirkbeck, 8 ; bronze spear, 231. Cupboai'd, early use of the term, 386. Curzon, Hon. 11., his I'cmarks on ancient drinking-VL'S-els, 187. D. De la Pole, Sir J. G., exhibits an iron spur from Saxony, 187 ; a Swiss arrow- head, ib. Denmark, antiquities of stone from, 179. DiiRinsiiiRE : — sculptured cross at Bake- well, 282. Dkvonsuiuf, : — Roman villa found at Mus- bury, 49 ; ancient church in Exet^'r Castle, 157 ; letters relating to the Courtenay family, 167 ; gold rings found at Kxeter, 187. Dials, portable, in the British Museum, 30 , at Bisliopstone church, Sus-<ex, 60 ; at Kirkdale, Yorkshire, 61 ; at Madeley Court, Shropshire, 413. Dickinson, Mr., exhibits reliques found at Coventry, 50. Documents, Original : — Will of Luke de Ponyngis, 45 ; correspondence between Bj). Grandisson and tiie Courti-nays, 165 ; Rights of Christ Church, Canter- bury, 273 ; Accounts of Constables of Dovor Castle, 381. Dove, of lead, found at Vallo Crucis, 1/9. Dovor, Accounts of the Constiibles of the Castle, 381 ; Templars' church on the Western Ilei^dits, 413. Draughtsmen, of wood and walrus' tusk, 31. Drinking-vessels, 187. Drummond, Mr., presents antiquities from Farley Heath to the British Museum, 23 27. Du Noyer, Mr., his notice of emblems of the Passion, 80. Dyson, Rev. P., iron spear exhibited by, 296. E. Ear-ornaments, Saxon, 110. 113. Kffigies, sepulchral ; at Pickering, 67 ; Earl's Colne, 78 ; Clifton Reynes, 149 ; Sherborne, 410 ; of miniature size at Sheinton, 417. Enamel : —on an ancient buckle, 25 ; ex- amples of Roman work, from Farley Heath, 27 ; vase found at Sudbury, 29 ; medallions found at Warden Abbey, 30 ; of the work of Limoges, 31, 80, 186 ; casket from ^laestriclit, 71 ; bosses in Rev. W. Sneyd's museum, 181 ; on a bronze relique from a tunmlus near Lewes, 187 ; plaques in the style of N. D. Pape, 296 ; altar-cruet found in Ireland, 297. Essex : — bronze celts found at Elmdou, 24 ; Iloman glass vase, fi-om Colchester, 28 ; seal of a Prior of Bilsington found at Clavering, 61 ; gold ring found at Easton, ih.', Roman villa at Wenden, 77 ; piscina of the destroyed chureh at Wenden, 78 : effiijies of the De Veres, at Earl's Colne, 78 ; ring found at Great Chesterford, 79 ; pit contain- ing iron implements, &.c., discovered by Hon. R. Neville, 278 ; Survey of ancient vestiges in parts of Essex, by Hon. R. Neville, 207. Evesham Abbey, seals of, 418. E.xeter, church in the castle, 157 ; silver