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INDEX. Blackburn, Mr., exhibits an ivory hurn, 188 ; garments of Charles 1., i/>. Blunt, Rev. V., liis account of the font at Lilleshall, 413 ; of a sun-dial at Made- ley Court, ib. Bockett, Mis.s, coins and curious playing- cariis exhibited by, 180. Boocke, Mr., ivory couibs iu his possession, 179. Borneo, stone implements found there, 1 1 6. Boxgrove Priory, documents relating to, 4G. Braokstone, Mr., seal of Jose-ph, Dean of Armagh, exhibited by, 7.'i. Brnlburv, Mr., ornamental brick exhibited BRvs.>iHS, sepulchral ; figure presented by Mr. Hewitt to the Britisli Iluseuni, 31 ; Flemish plate purchased fur tlie Britisli Museum, 31 ; brasses in Saxony, Prussia, and Poland, 170; at Newark, 191 ; at Meissen and Lubec, 28.<). Brick-work, ornamental, at Laughton Place, 190; with bust of Charles V. found in London, '280" ; found at Cambridge, ih. Bridle-bit, Saxon, found on Linton Heatii, 10 (J. Bright, Mr., exhibits a jewelled Saxon brooch, 59 ; an Italian .seal, ()2. IJrigliton, bulla of Alexander IV. found there, Gl ; gold brooch, 71. Britannicus, j)ig of lead bearing his name, •278. I'.iiiTisii MrsEt M : — account of recent ad «!itions, 23 ; acerra from Mayi nee purchased, .')3 ; Iri.sh an'i(juities, 58 ; rau>sett collection offered for purchase and refused, .^l, 53, 91, 94, 402; notice of a gem in the Towneley collec- tion, resembling seals of Carlovingian kini;8, 207 ; Roman pig of load pre- sented, 280 ; pavement tiles from Tiiornton Altbey jiresented, 286. IJronze, antiipiities of, discovery of celts with nias-es of crude metal, 24 ; wea- pourt, fr)nnd in the Thame><, 79 ; celts, 2'./4, 29.> ; frame of a Saxon lii-;id-|iiece, 293,413 ; blade weapons, 414 ; bpears from China, ih. Brooch, t"rtoi.He-sha])ed, found in Ireland, 58 ; Saxon, 5'J, 97 ; |ieiiaiinul:ir, found in Ireland, 70 ; g'dd, foiniil at Hrinhtoii, 71 ; Hc-yphate, loinid at Linton lleiith, 103, 109 ; ring brooch, found in Ireland, 2«.'i. Blcki.noiiambiiiuk : — sepulchral effigies at Clifton Iteynes, 149. Bulla of Pope Alexander IV., found at liri^lit'in, (>. I'urr. Mi»«, txhibitH ancient needlework, 287. Hum, Mr, exhibitit n romarkiible Irencii document, 72. Byron, K<rv. .)., prcHcnUsun imprcHsion from a brass at Newark, 191 ; pavement tiles from Thornton .Abbev, 285. Cakk.nauvox :— charter of, exliibited, 287. Cairns, in Cumberland, 13, 18, 230,233; chambered, in Gloui^esterslnre, Somer- set, &c.,289, 315, 32(i. Cambridge : — sculptured cross found at the Castle, 70 ; seals iu tiie college trea- suries, copied by Mr. Ready, 192 ; decorative bricks, 28() ; Meeting of the Institute there, 3(!8. CAMURiDCiKSHiRE : — brnuze cauldron found at Sliudy Camps, 31 ; Saxon cemetery on Linton ileatli, 51, 95 ; seal found at Fen Ditton, 73 ; survey of ancient vestiges, by Hon. 11. Neville, 207 ; medallion of Cai-acalla, found at Ickle- ton, 294 ; bronze reliques, found at Melbourn, 295 ; seal of Stajdowe Hundred, 378. Camp, Uleybury, Gloucestershire, 328. Canterbury, view of St. Ethelbert's Tower, exhibited, 81 ; rights of Christ Church, on the death of a bishop, 273 ; seal found at, 73. CiU'ds, playing, with scenes from the history of the Armada, 180. Caton, Mr., impressions of seals exhibited by, 191, Celt.s, of bronze, in British Museum, 24 ; found at ^Iell)ourn,2,'l4 ; in the Thames, 295 ; of Hint, found in the I.'^le of Wight, 179 ; f.iuii<l iu Denmark, lb. ; at Sunnin<; Hill, 180'. Chalice, date 1517, exhibited by Mr. Wil- son, 72 ; at Durliam Cathedral, made of the Bishop's seals, 277. Chamber, for cannon, found at Bridgnortli, 290. Channel Island.s, seals relating to, 1.02. Chailes 1., garments worn by him, 188 ; his gold buckles, 298. Charters, nnnncipal, surrendered "to Charles II. and James II., 287, Cherlsey, inscribed dish found thei-e, 28. Ciiicsniui': : — Ke|)ulchral urn found in Dela- mere Forest, 2.3 ; renioval of tiio Records from Chester, 313. Chester, Mr. J. (Ireville, exhibits a bronze Hgure, found at Winchester, 28.'! ; pudey-beads, found in Norfolk, 295 ; arrow-heads, |)h»'ons, iScc. i/).', imjires- sions from si'als, 4 1 9. ChincHi' sial of porcelain, found in W'ilt- shire, 58 ; ancient Chinese sjiears ex- hil)ited, 414. ('JHtH, Beiiulchral, in Irelaml, 74. Clacv, Mr., presents ilhiHtrations of archi- tectural sulij< ciK a( Abingdon, 117.

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