SociKTE DE Sphragistique. — Recueil de Documents et de Mcmoires relatifs k I'etude Bpeciale des S^i'aux du moyen age. Troisu'nie Annee, No. 7 — 10. five. A number of this periodical, devoted to the illustration of mediaeval seals, ap[iears monthly. It comprises historical notices, accompanied by numerous woodcuts. In the later num- bers is given a description of the large collection of matrices of seals in the collection of Madame Febvre of Macon. A. DE Beaumont. — Recherches sur I'origine du Blason, et en particulier sur la fleur de lys. Paris, Leleu.K. 8vo. 22 plates. F. DE — Recherches sur la numismatisque judaique. Paris, Rollin, 4to 20 planches. This work comjirises the results of M. de Saulcy's recent journey in Syria and Palestine, in regard to the coins struck by the Jews and by the Roman Emperors at Jei'usalem. J. DE FoNTEXAY. — Manuel de I'araateur de jetons. Paris, Dumoulin, 8vo. vignettes. This volume comprises a detailed account of the pieces usually termed counters, which served in media3val times lor various purposes. They are arranged under the general classification of mercaux, jdoirs, and jttons. C. Robert. — Etudes numismatiques sur une partie du nord-est de la France. Metz, 4to. 1 8 planches. F. Michel. — Recherches sur le commerce, la fabrication et I'usage des etoffes de soie, d'or et d'argent, et autres tissus precieux en Occident, principalement en France, pendant le moyen age. Tome II. Paris, Leleux. 4to. J. A. Ramboux. — Outline Tracings of the Principal Remains of Christian Art in Italy, from 1200 to 1600. 1 he two first portions, comprising the period anterior to Giotto (12 parts, (iO tinted plates.) and the productions of the school of Giotto (60 tinted plates) have been published. The three remaining portions will consist of the Siena school, Perugino and tlie Umbrian school, and the school of Raphael. Imp. folio. Weigel's Ancie.nt Woodcuts. — Holzschuitte beriihmter Meister. A selection of characteristic and rare productions of the eai'liest engravers on wood. Complete in 12 parts, 60 plates. Folio. Leipzig, 18o2 — 54. Munich, Painted Glass. — Coloured representations of paintings on glass executed in the Royal Establishment for painting on glass at Munich, and placed in Christ Church, Kilndown, Kent. 15 coloured plates. Folio. Munich, 1853. WORKS IN PREPARATION. Mural Paintings in the churches of Sweden, from the middle of the Xlllth century, in great part concealed by whitewash, until laid open to view by Mr. Mandelgreii, who with the assistance of the Swedish government, has copied a considerable series of these decorations, hitherto unnoticed. It is proposed to publish at Copenhagen a selection by aid of lithochroniy : four numbers to be given each year, comprising in each number nine plates, with descriptions in French. Subscribers' names are received by Mr. J. Russell Smith, from whom further information regarding these remarkable works of early art may be obtained. L'Abbe Cochet. — La Normamiie Souterraine, ou Notices sur des cimetieres Romains et des cimetieres Francs, explores en Norinandie. Second edition. With the addition of 2 plates, 118 woodcuts, and 50 pages of letter press, comprising the results of recent excavations and of researches by other antiquaries in England, Belgium, Germany, &c. Rouen, 8vo. — London: Marcus, 8, Oxford Street; J. H. Parker, Oxford. ^rc^ncoloQital IntElliaEiuc. The formation of a Woucesteushihe Arciiitectur.xl Society lias taken place during tlie past year under very favourable auspices, and been accom- panied by two very interesting meetings on Sept. 25th and 26th, at Worcester, Lord Lyttclton presiding, and at Great Malvern. Amongst the most gratifying features of the proceedings must be mentioned a