A baron or baronesse for there gowuc and hodd vj yerdf at viijs, l}vey for x s'vnt(;'. A bauerct and a knight of the gju'ter vj ycrdf and lyvey viij s'vfltt- A bisshop is rated w' a baron. A knight v yerdf at xjs viij d the yerd and v s'vntf . A squier v yerdc and lyvey for ij s'vitf . xV gentleman v yerdf Ivvev for i s'vit. Evy yoman and grome to have iiij yerdf, and evy gentleraannes s'viit iiij yerdf. To be also remembrcd. Tappointc prelates to execute during the tymc she shalbc unburicd, daylie at the obsequies to be doon for her. Item to have the psouages that shali)C appointed to be p'nt advtised therof l)y Pres. Item the kingf pleasure touching doles and after what sorte the sam shalbe distributed. In like raaner for the diettf of all them that shall attende uppon the corps, or have other s'vice for that p'pose. The xxv daye of this p^fit moneth of January it is comaunded that all suehe start" as is comytted to the doingf of the chaundeler, the paynter, the sadler, and all other having any thing to be doon touching this enterrement, shalbc ready and bestowed in suche (jlaces as be to them appointed for the same. (Indorsed.) Interrment of Catherine wife of Prince Arthur . . . crabe of thenter . . ent of the pryncf donghter. First provision to be made for the boweling, seriug and enclosing of the corps in Icde. Item for lightf and other thingf necessary to be employed about the corjjs during the tyme of the coutynuance of the same w4n the house or in the next churche or chaple, and who shall execute all exequies and ccrenionyes for the tymc aboute the said corps. Item proportions to be made for all maucr of lightf that shall)c necessary for theutercnicnt. Item proportions to bo made lor blackf to 1)0 destributcd at that tyme. Item what psonages and liowe many psonages wonum shalijc app(;inte(l to l)(; principal morncrs. Item how many charettf shall)c pparcd to Iblowe the corps, and what apparail shalbc appointed for the same. Item what jjlacc the bodye shalbe entered in. Item what nombre of prclatlf shalbc p'nt at lli(> enterrement. Item what dole shalljo delt iit cv'y place, and wliellier tiie same shalbc in |)(;Mce, di grotcs, grot(!s, or in all after llu; divsitie of the pincc. Item that I'res may be madi; iui tlia()p(juilcmit of suchc psonages ol'iioiio' and Nliallie at the .saiiic.