beten w^ fyne gold in oyle w*^ prince Arthures armes and hers and suelie other otlicr as shall please the kingf liiglmes to appointe. Item for the garnishing of the licrce ten baucr rouUes of like sise, pty gold. Item xvj dd penscll(^ for the garnishing of the lierce. Item xxij scochions of fyne gold beten on black tuke in oyle for the chair and horses. Item iiij^'^ schochions beten in ptye gold uppon buckeram in oyle for tliother t o charettf , and the iiij horses that shall here the banners of sayntC- Item xxij chaft'rons for the charett horses and thofficers of armes horses that shal here the banners. Item scochions in metall uppon paper riall. Item scochions in colo's uppon paper I'iall. Item a magestie and a valence and eight rachcmentf of black sarcenet, wrought in ptie gold, and in evy corner of the same a scochion of her armes, and at the valence her worde and armes, the said valence to be frynged w' black sylk and gold. The chargies of the Warderobe. First cloth to be provided for xxx ladyes and gentlewomen moruers and sitting in the charett f evy to have after her estate and degree. Item cloth to be provided for the noble men that shallbe p'nt, her cliamberlayn, stewarde, and officers of her household, thofficers of armes and suche other gentlemen as shalbe appointed to doo s'viee touching this enterrement. Item in like maner provision to be made for ly veys for the noble menncs s'viitf and other according to a rate whiche shalbe made heraftre. Item co's cloth to be provided for powre mennes gownes and hodes that shall bere the long torches. Item cloth to be provided for the charettf, horse trappers, the " barriers, formes, stoles, hanging of tRe churche and other thingf necessary about the herces. Item cloth for x men that shall in dcmye gownes bare bedded wayte uppon the ix principal morners on fote, and in like maner for the charet men and henxmen. Item it must be remembred that in cace there shall not be the nombre of cc yomen officers of her houshold and gentlemennes s'viitf whiche may only attende for the cariage of staff torches, there must besidf be so mochc cloth provided as will furnishe the said nombre to attende only for that p'pose. The rate of the lyvcys. A duke or duchesse must have for there mantell sloppc and gowne — xvj yerdf at xs the yerde, and lyvey for xviij s'viitf after there degrees. An eric or countessc for there gowne sloppe and mantel to have xvj yerdf at viijs the yerde and lyv'cy for xij s'vntf.