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of the time of Richard IL These rare pieces of ai-mour were purchased from Mr. S. Pratt, who obtained them from churches in Norfolk, where they had remained from the period when thev had been deposited as funeral trophies. Ancient Cliessnien of Walrus-tusk, found in the Isle of Uig, and now in Lord Londesborough's Museum. A>ciE.NT Gothic Cuirches. By W. P. Griffith, F.S.A. Part III. With many illustrations. Contents : 1. Historical and Documentai-y Evidence in support of Architectural Consti-uetion by Geometry. '2. Rules for proportioning the Plans, &c., of Parish Churches, large Churches, and Cathedrals. 3. On Architectural Botany; setting forth the geometrical disu-ibution of foliage, &c. ^^'ith twenty original designs for decorating cornice.=, corbels, capitals, &c. Loudon: to be had at 9, St. John's Square, and through all booksellers. Notes on the Nimbus. By Gilbert J. French. Printed for Presentation. With numerous engraWngs and woodcuts. 8vo. Accompanied by observations on rayed military banners. With Illustrations. Church Furniture and Decorations. An Essay by the Rev. E. L. Cutts, B.A. With numerous woodcuts and lithographic illustrations, including several examples of ancient pavements of decorative tiks. 8vo. London: J. Crockford. (Reprinted from the Clerical Journal.) Northamptonshire Dialect. Glossary of Northamptonshire Words and Phrases, with Examples of their Colloijuial use, and Illustrations from various Authors ; to which ai-e added the Customs of the County. By Anne Elizabeth Baker. Loudon : J. Russell Smith. 2 vols. Post 8vo. PREPARING FOR PUBLICATION. Illustrations of STOiNE Crosses, with Descriptive Letter-press ; to consist of one hundred Plates of Crosses in England and Wales, enuraved on steel by J. H. Le Keux. The subjects selected from a valuable collection of Drawings in his possession, repre- senting churchyard, monumental, and boundary Crosses, high Crosses, preaching Crosses, and market Crosses. To the Eleanor Crosses fifteen Plates will be devoted. The work will form two volumes, medium !!vo., each contAining fifty plates, with Woodcuts, &c. Price two guineas. .Subscribers are requested to send their names to Mr. Le Keux, 30, Argyll Street, New Road, who will thankfully receive any local information, sketches of crosses in remote places, or other assistance auxiliary to his undertiiking. Illustratio.ns op Ancient Ecclesiastical Vestments, from existing examples ; with descriptions by F. G. Lee, F.A.S. Subscribers' names received by Masters, Aldersgate Street, London. The impressions limited to '250. Antiquities of Crete : a Description of some important Theatres and other Remains in Crete, from a MS. History of Candia by Onorio Belli in 1586. Being a Supplement to the "Museum of Classical Anticjuities," by Edward Falkener. Sub- scribers to tliat Journal, who wi.sh to possess this continuation of the Memoir of Crete therein published, arc reiiuested to apply to Mr. Richards, 37, Great Queen Street, London. Anglo-Saxon Anti4Uitiiis : the Faussett Collection. — Unpublished MS. Account, by the Rev. Bryan Faussett, of Discoveries nuide in upwards of Five Hundred Anglo-Saxon Tumuli in Kent, excavated from 1757 to 1773. To be fully illustrated with Engravings (Honic coloured) and Woodcuts. Edited by Mr, (.'harles Roach Smith, by whom subsciibiTs' names are received, 5, Liverpool Street, City. To form one volume quarto. (For subscrili'Ts cmly.) ^rdjncological rutflligciur. A voluiDC of reinnrkul/lo utility aiul intj'icst to tlic stiiiloiit of our earlier iinti<iiiilieH has been very recently jirodured nt Copenhngoii by the learncil Danish niitiqiiary Wornane. It may be obtnincd from Messrs. Williams and Norgate. Wc liasteii to invite the attention of onr readers to tliis valuable uu.xiliary, for eonipari.son of many reliiines dibcovered in tbc

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