January 29. JN^o. ^^. — 3 feet G iuclies deep. A third brass Gratianus was found, pierced for a neck ornament. No. ^^. — 2 feet 5 inches deep. An iron knife 4-^ inches long, f inch wide, at point inch ; one pair of iron shears, consisting of two knife blades, 3^ inches long, of equal width ; one of them has a ring at the end, to which the other was attached when found, but now broken. An urn lay b}' this body, of coarse black ware with perpendicular ribs, and a variety of curiously-arranged ornaments impressed upon the surface, in accordance with the peculiar process of manu- facture which characterises the urns of the Saxon period. Compare the urns figured in " Saxon Obsequies." It measures 7 inches high, circumference at top 13 inches, middle 1 Sc- inches, base 8^ inches. It had no contents. (See woodcuts, Fig. XV.) No. 57. — 3 feet 8 inches deep. No. 58. — 3 feet 8 inches deep. No. 59. — 3 feet 8 inches deep. No. 60. — 3 feet 8 inches deep. No. 61. — 14 inches deep. A child of twelve or fourteen. In this, as also in the four graves last enumerated, no rehques were found with the deposit. An urn was found in the day's work, three feet deep ; it had no contents, it was not deposited in a grave, and resembles in material, size, and shape, one of those found in Muttilow Hill, Fleam Dyke (Archaeol. Journal, vol. ix., p. 229, fig. 5). Another urn was also discovered this da}^ 14 inches deep, and of the same material, resembling in form No. 1 from Muttilow Hill. (See woodcuts. Fig. XVI.) Januari/ 31. — A small bicornute ornament of bronze belonging to a situla, was found in this day's work out- side the mound, probably from some grave disturbed in agriculture. February 1. No. 62. — 3 feet deep. A child of twelve or thirteen years of age. No rehques with the deposit. In the grave were also portions of the skull of an infant. February 2. No. 63. — 3 feet deep. A child. Three small amber beads were found, and one iron knife broken. No. 64. — 3 feet 6 inches deep. Head to the south-west. One iron sword, by the left side, 2 feet 9^ inches long, inclusive of hilt ; width of blade If inch at base, near point; some