ANGLO-SAXON CEMETERY ON LINTON HEATH. Janunrij 11. Xo. 18. — 2 feet deep. This skull was sent to Mr. Davis who cannot decide the sex, from its shattered condition. A small cruciform bronze fibula was found, resem- bling- one figured in Douglas' Nciiia, plate 2, fig. 3. An iron spur, of slight make, with a long plain point ; at the ends of the shanks are buckles (see Avoodcut. p. 99). Part of a black vase of coarse ware occurred in this day's operations. No. 19. — 3 feet deep. The skull found in this grave was pronounced by jMr. Davis to be that of a man about forty-five years of ao;e. Two flat circular bronze fibular 1^ inch in diameter ; their surface is ornamented with impressed work (compare No. 'd7, plate 3, "Saxon Obsequies ") ; the pins have been of iron. — Two small looped objects or ornaments of bronze, 2 inches long ; their use is very uncertain, they may have been attached to leather. To one only of them is affixed a strong- iron rivet, which passes through one of the plates. In other respects they resemble one another (see woodcut, original size). No 20. — 2 feet 8 inches deep. Pi-onounced ])y Mr. Davis to be the skeleton of a male of about fifty-five years of age. No reliques found with the deposit. An urn of most decided Roman shape and ware was found this day, near some burnt human bones ; height, 6j inches ; circumference at middle, IG inches ; at base, G.V inches. It had no contents. JtiniKirij 15. No. 21. — 2 feet 5 inches deep. The skele- ton lay with the head to the east ; it was pronounced by Mr. Davis to be that of a female of about thirty-five years <jf age. lie says the forehead is rc!nai-kal)ly ])romiiient, with tlio frontal suture <listiiictly seen. 7 l.iige crucii'orm bronze HImiI,-!, 1;iv oil til"' 1<Il sliiiiildcr, ill line preservation, elabo- i-iti'ly ciiascd :iimI riclily giU. It had been set with orna- ments of enamel or paste, now ;ilmost colourless. They appear, liowever, to liavi; been i-cd. Tiic entire length is six in(;lie.s, and tbe geneial eliaracler similar to (hat found witii No. 9, and those figMi-e(l in 'Sa. n ()bse(|uies," plate C, No, 2S. The (icK.s had liicn (.f imn. Two small bronze