the Confessor, 33, 177, 261
birth-place of, 177
gold coin of, 261
of Westminster, 324
the Black Prince, tomb of, 326
Edwardian or Concentric Castles, 102
Egyptian Architecture, 184
Eleanor of Guienne, 375
Elizabeth, Saint, 46
Queen of Edward IV., 375
Elora, temples of, 184
Elsing, Norfolk, monument at, 201, 203, 209
Elstow, Bedfordshire, 324
Ely, Fair of, 328; cope at, 329, 331
Emblems of Saints, 53, 384
Embroidery, Medieval, 274, 318
Emneth, Norfolk, communion cloth at, 331
Ensham Church, Oxon, 178
Equestrian Statues, 83
Esher, brass works at, 208
Esquimaux, 150
Etaples, Picardy, Roman jars found at, 230
Ethelwulf, ring of, 284
Etton Church, Northamptonshire, paintings at, 158
Eugenius III., Pope, 241
Eupardus, Bishop of Autun, coin of, 279
Evagrius, 174
Evangelists, emblems of, 63
Evesham, Worcestershire, battle at, 288
Evron, reliquary at, 190
Fabliaux, or Metrical tales, 212
Fairford Church, Gloucestershire, glass preserved there by the Hon. Mrs. Farmer, 17
Falaise Castle, Normaudy, 98
Felbrigg, Sir John, monumental brass of, 70
Felmingham, Norfolk, antiquities at, 381 , 387
Felstead family, monument of, 139
Festivals, emblems of, 62
Fish-hooks, Celtic, 83
Flambard, John, monument of, 391
Flamboyant style, 238, 333
Flanders, brasses imported from, 207, 208
Fleming, Alan, brass of, at Newark, 207
Flint, weapons formed of, 247
Flint and Rhuddlan Castles, Flintshire, 105
Font, Norman, at Ingleton, Durham, 393
bearing a Greek inscription, 161
Fontenay le Marmion, mouud at, 99
Fontevrault, Chapel at, 190; Cupola at, 188
Foulque Nera, Churches built by, 187
Four Doctors of the Church, emblems of, 63
Fowey Towers, Cornwall, 105
Framlingham Castle, Suffolk, 104
Francis I., portrait of, 289
Fresco at Pompeii, and Herculaneum, 27
portrait of Louis XI., 190
Freyburg, Cathedral of, 186
Fribourg, Switzerland, 171
Gailhaband's "Ancient and Modern Architecture," 184
Gallo-Roman Villas, 84
jewel-box, 192
Garway, Herefordshire, Preceptory at, 265
Gauls, huts of, 310
Gavr' Innis, Island of, 227
Geddington, manor of, 363, 368
Geoffry of Monmouth, 313
Geography, ancient, 84
Geta, coins of, 182
Gisors Castle, Normandy, 101
Glamorgan, twelve Knights of, 95
Glennauch Island, 123
Gloucestershire Archæological Association, 388
Godshill Church, Isle of Wight, paintings in, 67, 165
Godstow Monastery, Oxon, 179
Goodrich Castle, Herefordshire, keep at, 95
Gorleston Church, Suffolk, brass in, 203
"Gothic Architecture," analysis of, 291
Gough, his collection of drawings, 200, 211
Gozo, Island of, near Malta, 184
Grafton, Northamptonshire, incised slab at, 210
Gratian, coins of, 351
"Gravesend, Kent, History of," 277
Great Malvern, Worcestershire; St. Michael's Chapel at, 67
Greenwich Park, Kent, barrows in, 166, 167, 249, 252
Gregory of Tours, Churches built by, 186
Gretton, manor of, 364
Grey, Robert, monument of, 391
Grosmont Castle, Monmouthshire, chimney at, 266
Grosteste, Robert, Bishop of Lincoln, tomb of, 199
Grosteste's Chateau D' Amour, 304
Guernsey, primeval antiquities in, 143, 226
"Guide to Architectural Antiquities in the Neighbourhood of Oxford," 177
Guildford Castle, Surrey, 94, 98
Gundulph, Bishop, architectural works of, 409
Gypeyere, or pouch, 251
Hadrian, coins of, 180, 351
Haigh on Anglo-Saxon coinage, 277
Haigh, D. H., on a Norman tombstone, Coningsborough, Yorkshire, 354
Hall, the Chronicler, 198
Halliwell, J. O., Original Documents, 243
Hallum, Bishop of Salisbury, monument of, 208
Hammel, near Eastry, Kent, figure found at, 163
Hampton Poyle Church, Oxon, 178
Harescomb Church, Gloucestershire, 36
Harlech Castle, Merionethshire, 105
Harold II., King, 35
Harrow Church, Middlesex, brass in, 391
Hart, Rev. Richard, Emblems of Saints, 53
Hartshorne, Rev. C., Medieval Embroidery, 318
Rockingham Castle, 356
Hastings, Sussex, All Saints Church, brass in, 391
Lord William; and Ralph, 365, 375
Sir Hugh, monument of, 201, 203
Hawarden Castle, Flintshire, 105
Hawkins's Silver Coins of England, 13
Head-dress, Ladies', 45
Hedda, Bishop of Winchester, 286
Hedingham Castle, Essex, 96, 106
"Heideloff's Architectural Ornaments," notice of, 407
Hell, depicted, 189
Helmingham, Suffolk, coin found at, 68
Helmsley Castle, Yorkshire, 98
Henley, Oxon, Celtic monument near, 225
Henry I., 35
II., 35; effigy of, 324
III., robes of, 325
IV., 46
V., bed of, 324
VI., coronation of, 278
VIII., Blockhouses erected by, 106