Caractacus, 310
Carausius, coins of, 183
Cardiff Castle, 94, 99, 100
Careby, Lincolnshire, embroidery at, 329, 331
Carew Castle, South Wales, 102; cross at, 383
Richard, Historian of Cornwall, 1, 165
Carisbrook Castle, Isle of Wight, 388
mound at, 99, 259
Priory, Chartularies of, 391
Carlaverock, siege of, 324, 365
Carleton, Thomas de, 322
Carlisle Castle, Cumberland, 97, 98
Carnac, Brittany, 228; cross near, 185
Carter, drawings by, 29
Cartoons exhibited in Westminster Hall, 20
Cassington Church, Oxon, 177
Castle, Description of a chamber in, 243
Rockingham, 356
Beaumarais, 44
Dover, 256
Carisbrook, 259, 388
Caer Bran Chun, and An Dinas, 310
Côch, near Cardiff, South Wales, 102, 105
Colchester, 316
Castles, 83, 84, 93—107, 196
in England, number of, 107
Castleton, Derbyshire, keep at, 94
Castor Church, Northamptonshire, paintings in, 158
Catalogue of the Emblems of Saints, 53, 384
of monuments of the Upper Loire, 83
Caudebec, Normandy, 343
Caversfield Church, Oxon, 177
Ceirchiog Church, Anglesey, 381
Celestins, Convent of, Paris, 339, 343
Celtic Monuments, 83, 84, 184, 191, 269
Pottery, 230
Cement, red, of mosaic-like work, 193
Cemeteries, 82
Centbal Committee, Proceedings of, 67, 156, 269, 379
Chacombe Priory, Northamptonshire, stone coffins at, 393
Chair of marble, 193
Chale Church, Isle of Wight, foundation of, 391
Chalices, 83, 190, 191
Champernowne, Roger and William, tombs of, 400
Channel Islands, Primeval Antiquities of, 142, 222
Charcoal in coffins, 190
Charlemagne, buildings assigned to, 408
small Roman character introduced by, 190
Charles II., castle guard abolished by, 94
Charlton on Otmoor, Oxon, 1 78
Chartham Church, Kent, 283
Chartres Cathedral, 237
painted glass in, 170, 239
Chasuble, 191
Chateau Gaillard, Normandy, 100
sur Epte, Normandy, 99
de Coucy, Normandy, 101
Chatillon Castle, 192
Cheiner, Thomas, embroiderer, t. Edw. III., 321
Chelmsford, Essex, vessel found at, 165
Chenies, Bucks, window at, 291
Chepstow Castle, Monmouthshire, 98, 102
Cherbourg, Antiquities around, 191
Chesham, Bucks, window at, 291
Chester Castle, 93, 98, 100, 310
Chesterton Church, Oxon, 178
Chevaliers, mounds so called, 99
Chichester, fresco painting in old house at, 165
Museum, Egyptian antiquities in, 388
Chipping Camden, Gloucestershire, cope at, 329, 370
Christ-church Castle, Hants, 99
Christ, representation of, 73, 76, 77, 79, 188, 189, 192, 193
Churches in Anjou, 186
Auvergne, 187
the Jura, 194
Normandy, 191
Touraine, 186, 189
Cilgarran Castle, South Wales, 105
Cirencester, Gloucestershire, embroidery at, 329, 331
Cities and Princes, coins of, 417
Civlwlf, King of Mercia, coin of, 386
Clare, Suffolk, mound at, 99
Clarence, Due de, 304
Clark, G. T., Military Architecture, 93
Clerkenwell, Middlesex, 51
Clermont-Ferrant, in Auvergne, 171
"Cleveland, History of," notice of, 411
Cliff, forest of, 368, 375
Clifford's Tower, at York, 100
Clitheroe Castle, Lancashire, 98
Clive, manor of, 363
Coal-owen, near Lismore, Ireland, canoe found at, 164
Coal Money, 347
Cockle-park tower, Northumberland, 106
Cod, Thomas, brass of, at Rochester, 270
Coffins, of stone, 190
"Coins, Ancient, of Cities and Princes," notice of, 417
Coins, British and Gaulish, 8, 224, 388
Byzantine and Merovingian, 11, 132, 279
Christian iconography on, 132
of Constantine, 12
directions for cleaning, 9
forgeries of, in Paris and London, 13
impressions of, in wax, 13
of Offa, 12
of Civlwlf, King of Mercia, 386
of Edward the Confessor, 261
Roman, Consular and Imperial, 9, 68
Roman, struck in Britain, 10, 11
discovered in London, 246
Roman, Relating to Britain," notice of, 179
"Coity, Glamorganshire, walls at, 105
Colchester, Essex, antiquities found at, 8, 156
castle, 95, 316
St. Botolph's Church at, 315
Coldrum Lodge, Kent, cromlech at, 263
Coleshill, Warwickshire, brass at, 389
Colford, Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire, camp at, 256
College de Bayenx, Paris, 339
Henri IV., Paris, 340
de Montaigu, Paris, 340
de Navarre, Paris, 339
Cologne Cathedral, windows of, 18
Columns, 186, 187
Comité des Arts et Monuments, 6, 72
Commodus, coins of, 182
Comnenus, Alexius, coin of, 132, 134
Conciergerie, Paris, 337
Coney, Alderman, brass of, 202
Coningsborough Castle, Yorkshire, 96
Church, tomb in, 274, 354
Constables of Rockingham Castle, 361, 363
Constance Cathedral, 208
Constantine, coins of, 12
Constantinople, St. Sophia, inscription at, 161
Constautinus and Romanus Locapenus, coin of, 132
Conway, Caernarvonshire, 44, 102
embroidery at, 329
Coombe, Oxon, 178