Northborough, Lincolnshire, 36
Corston, Wilts, 38
Belvoir Castle, Leicestershire, Stanton tower at, 94
Benefield, manor of, 368
Benevento, arch of Trajan at, 185
Beowulf, poem of, 12
Berkhampstead Castle, Herts, 99, 104
Bernaldby Moor, Yorkshire, barrows at, 412
Bernardins, Convent of, Paris, 339
Bernard's Castle, Durham, 102
Berwick Castle, Northumberland, 382
Bestiary of P. de Thaun, 175, 176
Bethersden, Kent, celt found at, 404
Bevis of Hampton, romance of, 306
Bibliothèque Royale at Paris, 46
Bicester Church, Oxon, 177
Bighton, Hants, Roman remains at, 387
Binsey Church, Oxon, 36
Bitton, near Bath, incised tomb at, 93, 210
Black Ladies, Nunnery, at Brewood, Staffordshire, 328
Blaton, John, 322
Blithfleld, Staffordshire, incised slab at, 210
Blockhouses, erected by Henry VIII., 106
Bloxam, M. H., on Ancient Masonry, 307
Bodleian Library, Oxford, drawings by Gough in, 200, 211
Bologna, St. Mary's Church at, 52
Bolton Castle, Yorkshire, 105
Hall, Yorkshire, 290
Bonchurch, Isle of Wight, urns discovered at, 68
Bonn Cathedral, 186
Bosbury, Herefordshire, Preceptory at, 265
Boulogne Museum, stone Capitals in, 163
Bourg Argental Church, doorway at, 193
"Bourges, Painted Glass at," notice of, 169, 170, 239
Bourne Park, Canterbury, barrows in, 253, 380
Bowes Castle, keep at, 94
Boyle, Richard, Earl of Cork, 278
Brading, Isle of Wight, incised slab at, 210
Bramdean, Hants, tesselated pavement found at, 388
Brasses sepulchral, 197
at Cowthorpe, Yorkshire, 69
at Playthorp, Suffolk, 70
at Lynn, Norfolk, 201
at Gorleston, Suffolk, 203
at Rochester, 270
at Coleshill, Warwickshire,389
at Cirencester, 322
at Calbourne, Isle of Wight,391
at Hastings, 391
rubbings of, 201, 202; paper used for, 207
Brauncepath, William, 376
Braunche, Robert, brass of, 207
Breach downs, Kent, barrows at, 271
Brecknock, Wales, carved stone near, 185
Breteske, bertesce, represented, 304, 306
Bretteville, Celtic gallery at, 191
Breviary, 54, 56
Brian Rocliff, brass of, at Cowthorpe, Yorkshire, 69
Bridgend Castle, Lincolnshire, 98
Bridgnorth Castle, Salop, 98
Brighton, Sussex, Block-house at, 106
Brigitock, manor of, 363, 375
Church, Northamptonshire, 31
Bristol, Bower walls, 93
Castle, 98
St. Stephen's Church, monument in, 260
British Archæological Association, Proceedings of, 67, 156, 246, 267, 379
Suggestions for extending, 297
British Museum, MSS. in, 27, 35, 48, 64, 152, 301
"Britton's Essay on Topographical Literature," notice of, 413
Brixworth Church, Northamptonshire, 314
Broadstairs, Kent, coins found at, 163
Bromet, W., Account of "Séances générales de la Société Francaise," 81, 186
Brothers of the Order of Charity, at Paris, 343
Brough Castle, Westmoreland, 98
Brougham Castle, Westmoreland, 98
Broxbourne, Essex, brass at, 209
Brunlys tower. South Wales, 98
Buckenham, Essex, 105
Ferry Church, 388
Buckland, Worcestershire, embroidery at, 329, 331
Buckle, badge of the, 275
found in Hampshire, 281
Bucknell Church, Oxon, 177
Bulkeley family, manor-house of, Anglesey, 44
Bulletin Monumental, 191
Burdoswald, Roman Inscription at, 392
Burgh Castle, Suffolk, 93
Burgundy, channeled Gothic pilasters in, 187
Burnside, F., Review of Vitraux Peints de St. Etienne à Bourges, 169
Butley Priory, Norfolk, jug found at, 158
Bytton, Bp. of Wells, incised tomb of, 210
Sir John de, incised tomb of, 210
Byzantine and Gothic styles, ornaments of, 190, 191, 407
Architecture, 33, 34, 185, 191
Cædmon, MS. of, 32
Caen, 239
Abbey of the Trinity, 320
Caer Bran Chun Castle, Cornwall, 310
Caernarvon Castle, 102
44, 102, 104
Caernarvonshire, Antiquities of, 40, 309
Caerphilly Castle, Northumberland, 102, 103, 104, 106
Caervoran Castle, Roman remains at, 392
Caerwent, Monmouthshire, Prætorian and Decuman entrances to, 94
Cæsar, Invasion of Britain by, 7, 273
Cæarea, a MS. (in the Harleian Collection,) 224
Cahors Cathedral, France, 187
Cainhoe, mound at, 99
Caistor, Norfolk, 105
Calais, St. Nicholas' Church at, 163
Calbourne Church, Isle of Wight, brass in, 391
"Calendar, Illuminated, for 1845," notice of, 405
Calo Johannes, coin of, 134
Cambridge, Public Library at, 243
mound at, 99; Castle at, 100
Camden Society, 48, 245
Cambridge, Hints of, 49
Camel, figure of, 188
Camps, Roman, 83
Camulodunum, 8, 181, 310
Canterbury, Bell-Harry steeple &c., 275
Cathedral, clear-story windows in the choir of, 17, 170
Gateways at, 310
Castle, keep of, 94, 106
Roman Antiquities found at, 279
St. Augustine's Monastery, 277
St. Martin's Church, 313
Capgrave's "Nova legenda Angliæ," 55
Capitals, 84, 187, 188, 189