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The Glossary of Ecclesiastical Ornament and Costume. Setting forth the Origin, History, and Mystical Signification of the various Emblems, Devices, and Symbolical Colours, peculiar to Christian Design of the Middle Ages, with especial reference to the Decoration of the Sacred Vestments and Altar Furniture formerly used in the English Church. Illustrated by seventy plates, splendidly printed in gold and colours by the new Lithochromotographic process. Containing Examples of the Ecclesiastical Costume of the Roman, English, French and German Bishops, Priests and Deacons; Frontals, Curtains and Dossells of Altars; the embroidering of the Orphreys and Hoods of Copes, Stoles, Maniples, and Chasubles; Apparels of Albes; Patterns of Diapering for Ceilings, Walls, and precious Stuffs; Bordures and Powderings; Floriated Crosses; Emblems of the Holy Trinity, the Five Wounds and Passion of our Blessed Lord, the Four Evangelists, of our blessed Lady, the Mysteries of the Rosary; Monograms of the Holy Name; Examples of the Nimbus; Conventional Forms of Animals and Flowers for Heraldic Decoration; Altar and Church Linen, Funeral Palls, &c.; a variety of ornamental Alphabets of Church Text of various dates. The details of many of the Ornaments are given of the full size. The whole drawn, coloured, adapted, and described from ancient authorities. By A. Welby Pugin, Architect, Professor of Ecclesiastical Antiquities at St. Maries College, Oscott. To he Published by Subscription, for delivery early in May, 1844. In one magnificent volume, royal 4to. price 6l. 6s.
Instructions du Comite Historique des Arts et Monuments. 4to. Parts 1, 2, 3, each 4s. Paris, 1840—43.
I. Monuments Gaulois, Romains, Chrétiens, Style Latin et Byzantin.
II. Musique.
Le Moyen-Age Monumental et Archeologique, Vues, Details et Plans des Monumens les plus Remarquables de l' Europe, Depuis le 6e jusqu'au 16e Siecle, d'apres les Dessins de M. Chapuy, par Daniel Ramée, Liv. 1—42, each 6s. Paris, 1843. Folio.
Vitraux Peints de Sainte-Etienne de Bourges, recherches detachees d'une Monographie de cette Cathedrale, par M. M. Arthur Martin et Charles Cahier, Pretres. 11 liv., 15s. each. Large paper, 30s. Folio. Paris.
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