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James Hepburn, Earl of Bothwell.


James Hepburn, Earl of Bothwell. 319

queen's letters to the King of Denmark for the return of the Earl of Bothwell to Scotland to suffer for the murder of the late king. Dat. Edinb. March 7, 1568 :

[State Paper Office, Scotland, Elizabeth, vol. XT. art. 7.]

After my maist hertlic comendations presentlie as alwayes quhen I have to do I mon burdyn jou, seing I find sic furtherance at jour handes. My pnt sute is this, The Earle Boithuile, cheif raurtheare of the King of gude memory, fader to the king my maister, being fugitive fra the lawes, is now deteint in Denmark. And howbeit be a herald I have requirit him to be send in Scotland thare to suffer according to his desving, jit find I na apparece to get the same gdiscendit unto, onles the Queins Ma 11 * jo r soverane will direct hir effectuus trej to the King of Denmark thairfore, in respect of the horrible cryme corhittet in the personn of a prince, and that he quha wes murtherit had the hono r to be sa neir of hir Ma te blude. To the furtherance and expedition quhairof I will maist hertlie pray jou extend joure gudewill & crydett, and that hir Ma de will require the Ambassad of France and Hispainje resident thair to procure of thair soverains the like tres to be send in Denmark, qm as je jail do a godlie werk and declare jour affection to justice, sa in particular ue mon grant we to ressave a speall gude turn at jour handes in this amangis mony ma thinges q ch God offer the occasion that ue may worthelie acquite jour benevolence. Sua, referring to jour 9tinewall gudewill & wisdome, we comit jou to Almightie God. At Edinburgh the dayofMarche, 1567.

Jour richt assurit freind,

JAMES, REGENT. (In dorso,) Martii, 1567.

Therle of Murrey to M r . Sec 7 for the L. tres to y 8 K. of

Derhark to send therle Bothwell into Scotland.

(Addressed?) To my verie assurit freind S r Willm Cecill, knyght, principal! Secretary to the Q. Ma"" of England.

(6.) Vol. xvi. art. 10. Feb. 21, 15G9. Earl of Murray writes again to Cecill. Forwards letters. Reminds him of her Majesty's letter to be sent to the King of Denmark about the Earl of Bothwell :

[State Paper Office, Scotland, Elizabeth, vol. xvi. art. 10.]

After my maist hertlie commendationes. I have na new occasioun pntlie to write to jow sen my last tre of the xix of this present, quhareof I luke be jour good meanys to ressave confortable an?. I have sent heirwith a tre of my awin to my lord the Cardinall of Chastillon, quhilk I pray jow hertlie cause be conveyed to him, as alsua that jc will pnt thir twa tres of my lord & uncle the Erie of Mar and my ladic his wiff to the queins Ma u . And last that je wilbe myndfull of hir hienes tre to be direct to the King of Denmark for Bothvile, quhilk culd not be readie at my departur be resoun of M r Ascamis deceise. In all my triffles je see I am bauld and hamlie with jow, as I will effectuuslie dealer jow to be with me, and gif it stand in my possibilitie in ony respect to aliaw jow pleas assure your self of satisfactioun. Thus I wish jow weill as myself. At Striveling the xxj of Februar, 1568.

Yo r richt assurit freind,


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