An Account of the Latter Years of
316 An Account of the Latter Years of
One Capten Vallen (is sayed) to be likewise executed for tfiat murder. And that a servant of therle Bothwclles shuld be taken who shuld [hatli] confessed that] therle [was] to be in pson at the murder, and that he did cary[ed] in two trukes made for apparell only [certen gon] powder therin for the purpose.
[Sondry others ar also taken who confess y Erie Bothwelle being at y e murdre, w' some other very strag thyges frome other noble me that now joyne w' the Hamiltos, were pve that the kynge shuld be rydd out of his liff, but not pve of y e mane'.]
(In dorso,) A note of the courrentes in Scotland, sence the xiiij" 1 of June.
(2.) Vol. xiv. art. 53 A Letter from William Kyrkcaldy, Laird of Grange, to the Earl of Bedford, dat. Edinburgh, Aug. 10, 1567 : informs him of Bothwell's arrival at Orkney, and of his (Kyrkcaldy's) appointment with Tullibardine to go in pursuit of him :
[State Paper Office, Scotland, Elizabeth, vol. xiv. art 53.]
This is to geve yo r L. maist hartly thankes for yo r gentill Ire. At this pnte I have letell or nothyng to writ unto yo r L. but y* me Lordes here, beyng surlie advtised y l the erll bothell is passit be see w* fyve shipis to Orkenay, they have causit ppare w' all possible haist iij shipis to go thither to psew hym. And for the mair sure execution of the same tharc LL. is contented y* the Lard of Tullibarne and 1 accept the charge to be the psewars of hym, the q'lk maist willingly we have tainc upon us. And for my owne pt, albeit I be no gud see ma, I promess unto yo r L. gyff I may anes enconter W 1 hym, eyther be see or land, he sail eyther carie me w 1 hym or ellis I sail bryng hym dead or quik to Edinbru, for I take God to witnes the onlye occasion that movet me eyther to procure or joyne my self to the Lords of this y e lait enrpryse was to restore my natyve cutrye againe to libertye and hono r , for yo r L. knawis weill eneutht how we wer spoken of amonges all nations for y l tressonabill and horrobiir deed q'lk was cofhitted be y l traito r Bothell. In this I can writ no mair at this pSt, 3it and I gett so mekill leaser I sail writ ance agcne er I dept, q'lk I trust salbe upon thirsday nixt. I maist hublie tak my leave. At Edb. the x of August.
Yo r L. awne to comand,
W. KYRKCALDY. (In dorso,) X th of August, 1567.
Kyrcaldy to my lard of Bedf.
(Addressed,) To the Ry l hon"*" and his verye gud Lord the Erll of Bedford,
Lord Govno r of Berwik.
(3.) Same volume, art. 82. Letter from David Sincler to the Earl of Bedford, Sept. 15, 1567. Entry of the regent (Murray) and the lords into the Castle of Edinburgh. Escape of Both well in Shetland from the Laird of Grange, and the capture of one of his ships :
[State Paper Office, Scotland, Elizabeth, vol. xiv. art. 82.] My Lord, Ef? my maist humyll comendatioriis of ^vise. I reprewid syndrye of you r lordshippes