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116 Additions to the Biographies of

and towarde sich women pitie,' as wisedome can not be loked for of, and towarde wome with childe fauor for the Inocentes sake. But what meane I to enter into sich matters as yo r g. knoweth best, and tel yo r g. y* of yo r self ye consider. Onli I beseche yo r g. and that moost humblie, to extendo yo r gracious fauor so far above the requirers b desert, towarde mi wife and me both, as mi good minde towarde yo r g. which is aequal with yo r gretest clientes, is above mine habilitee, which is vnderneth y e comen state of wel minded. God send yo r grace moost psperous estate and long quietnes to his mightie wil. From Westmester y< xxvij of Januarie 1549. 2 Ed. 6. Yo r g. moost bownden Orator, Joan Cheke. Directed, To mi Ladic of Somersets good Grace. III. AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL NOTES or SIR THOMAS SMITH. (MS. Aclclit. Brit. Mus. 325, f. 2.)

3 Dec.-. Anno 1. 2. et tcrtio gntiosus, ludibundus, loquax, in suma gratia supra cose-

qnales, ut in ilia it-tate sumo videbar indolis, et patris pnecipue deliciae. .,' Anno tertio Copleto aut circiter ex nocturno terriculamcnto in sono, incidi in grauissima febrC-, quaj plusq,* bienio aut triennio me detinuit, sub cxigua spe vita;, a (|iio no videbar i)lene liberatus usq, ad 21 aut 22 annu. Toto hoc tc!ii|>orc tristis, panel risus, nullius lusus, lectioni tamen historian, pictures, seriptioni, etiam sculp torise, vehementer deditus, et vniuerso illo tcmpore usq, ad 24 fere annu plsenus scabic, pustulis, ulceribus, dolorc dcntiu, semper imbecilli valetudine, sed in literis & linguas cognitione plus semper didici quam prae- ceptores poterant docere. 10 et 11 interpolli valetudine, et ita aliquatulu meliore, sub fine 11 ani circa festu Miehis Cantabrigiam sii missus ad bonas Iras. 1530 16 16 febris me invasit, circa Micliaelis, peregrinate in Norfolchia, grauis, putrida, et fere j>estifera, quas desiit in hydropc, intumesccnte mane facie, noctu pedibus. Vix sanus ex ea febre, circa February mediu Socius Collegij sQ electus, & bacca- laureus factus, gracilis adhuc & maciletissim 9 , bili ac pituita nimia fere perpetuo morbosus. Misprinted in Strype's Cheke, edit. 1820, " and sich we pitty." b Ibid, "required." c Ibid. " plenteous."

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