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114 Additions to the Biographies of

be sometimes at his ease, rather than to be always pent up in one chamber at Court. It further appears that Carlisle house, in Lambeth, was in his possession, but that, being on the south side of the river, it was of no use to him. But the most grievous charge of all that had been made against him, was that he was a neutral in religious matters. " A strange thing (he exclaims) if in time of persecution I was known what I was, now I should be doubted of ! If when few durst profess, I not only did it myself, but defended others that pro- fessed Christ, from fire and bearing of faggots, in the bishop of Winchester's most ruffe, before all Cambridge, and in a manner against all the doctors of Cambridge, and all the justices of peace in the shire, and saved many, and so still continued, and now in my Lord's grace's time (i.e. the Duke of Somerset's) I should shrink!" He excuses any caution apparent in his conduct as arising from a regard to the honour and safety of the King and the lord Protector, " whom I reckon at this time as it were all one." That done, he adds, there was no man that would go further than himself. Those extracts will be sufficient to show the curious nature of this document ; of which I shall append to this letter a complete copy, in order that it may be printed in the Archaeologia. I am, dear Sir, Very sincerely yours, JOHN GOUGH NICHOLS. Il'-nry Cooper, Es<j. F.S.A. APPENDIX. I. EVENTS ix THE LIFE OF CIIEKE, COMMUNICATED BY HIM TO CARDANO. Natus Anno 1514, die 16 Junij, hora 5 minut. 17 post meridiem. Anno 1540, die septima Septemb., laboravit acuta febre. Anno 1552, die quinta Maij, peripneumonia. Anno 1544, die decima Junij, in regium preceptorem electus est. Anno 1549, die undecima Januarij, a pristine honore ferine decidit. Anno 1547, die undecima Maij, uxorem duxit. Hier. Cardani Lib. de Genituris, edit. 1558, p. 37.

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