Cemetery at Brighthampton. 1)7
Plate III. (all of the actual size.) Fig. 1. Hair-pin of bronze, from grave 17. Figs. 2, 3, 4. Portions of the metal framework of a purse discovered in grave 22. Fig. 5. Spindle- whirl of dark green glass, from grave 47. Fig. 6. Knife in metal-mounted sheath, from grave 22. Fig. 7. Fibula of bronze, the inside gilded, from grave 49. Fig. 8. Crystal spindle-whirl, discovered in grave 22. Fig. 9. Saucer- shaped fibula of bronze, lined with an embossed and gilded circular plate of the same metal, from grave 22. Figs. 10, 11. A bead of amethystine quartz, and a bone disc, discovered by Mi'. Stephen Stone in the Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Yelford. See his account of these researches in the Proceedings <5f the Society of Antiquaries, vol. iv. page 213. No. 16. The edge of the bone disc appears to have been shod with metal, and a frag- ment of linen adheres to the surface, and, but for the iron loop with which it is furnished, it might be considered a portion of the distulF, like that discovered at Wingham, which was also found with a bead of amethystine quartz. UB.NS FOUND AT BRIGHTHAMPTON. VOL. XXXVIII. O