gg Further Researches in a
No. 34. Grave of a man. The head to the south-west ; the femur 18 inches ; the tibia 15 inches ; the hands by the sides. No relique. No. 35. Grave of an old person of small stature. The head to the south-west ; at the neck 28 glass and paste beads, one of them double. No. 36. Grave of an old woman. The head to the south-west ; the legs crossed. No relique. No. 37. Grave of a young man. The head to the south-west; the knees bent to the right. No relique. No. 38. Grave of an old man. The head to the south-west ; the right hand by the side, the left in the lap. On the right breast a knife, at the left shoulder a bronze ring. No. 39. Grave of a young woman. The head to the north-east ; the knees bent to the right. On the breast an iron pin and some fragments of iron ; at the left side a knife. Another urn was this day discovered, containing the calcined bones of a child ; and a little further eastward the remains of another urn, containing the bones of an adult. No. 40. Grave of a woman, about 12 inches deep. The head to the south-west; the skeleton measuring 5 feet G inches ; the femur 1G inches. The left hand by the side, the right hand in the lap. On the shoulders two fibulae, one dish-shaped, the other cruciform. A little to the south of this grave the workmen discovered a skeleton, which appeared to have been disturbed, the head lying in the pelvis. No relique was observed. No. -11. Grave of a woman. The head to the south-west ; the fragment of a knife on the left side. No. 42. Grave of a man, 2 feet 10 inches deep ; the femur measuring 17^ inches. On the right arm a knife and a pair of tweezers ; on the left breast fragments of an iron buckle. No. 43. Grave of a man. The head to the south-west ; the knees bent to the left ; the hands in the lap ; an iron buckle on the left shoulder. At the head two urns of black pottery, one of them of a minute form and of rude execution. See cut, page 97, figs. 3 & 4.) No 44. Grave of a man, 3 feet deep. The right arm lying in the lap ; the left resting on a sword, the hilt of which was under the armpit. Near the guard were two beads of glass, doubtless like the amber bead discovered with No. 31, the ornaments of the sword-knot. A knife lay between the knees. The femur measured 18} inches. In excavating this grave the remains of a skeleton were