Cemetery at Brighthampton.
87 to an urn of black pottery, without ornament, which had been crushed and broken by the plough. The portion that remained still contained the calcined bones of an adult. (See cut, page 97, fig. 5.) On the following day another urn was dis- covered, similarly damaged. It had contained the bones of a child, and was orna- mented with a pattern common on the mortuary urns found in the northern coun- ties. Near this was another urn without ornament. No. 30. Grave of a young man, with the head to the west, the femur measuring 17 inches ; the legs crossed at the ankles, the knees bent ; the right hand in the lap ; the left by the side. In the lap a knife ; on the breast an iron buckle. Another ornamented urn, having a smaller urn within it, was this day discovered, but in too shattered a state to be preserved. On the following day another ornamented urn, containing human bones, was discovered, like the rest, just below the surface, which had exposed them to destruc- tion by the plough. No. 31. Grave of a man, protected by large stones. Head north-west by north. The right hand in the lap ; the left rest- ing on a sword, the pommel of which was under the armpit. The skeleton measured from the ankle-bone to the crown of the head, which was consi- derably depressed on the breast, 6 feet 7 inches. The femur measured 19 inches, and the tibia 16 inches. A small spear- head lay near the right shoulder, and near the pommel of the sword was a knife, with the point upwards, and a large amber bead. At the head stood a bucket, of the usual shape, but more elaborately ornamented. Among the ornaments of the scabbard is a small cross pate*e of silver, and several studs and rivets. No. 32. A grave with two skeletons much deranged. No relique. No. 33. Grave of a man, protected by large stones. The head to the south-west. The legs crossed at the ankles. The right hand by the side, the left in the lap. No relique. Bucket, one-half actual size.