Darting across each other's path their rays,
From various points conflicting winds will sweep
In whirlwind fury o'er the troubled deep.
When from each quarter of the sky around 230
Blaze the fork'd lightnings, and the thunders sound,
Pity, oh, pity then the sailor brave,
Who ploughs in fragile bark the midnight wave.
The raging billows dash the welkin's brow—
Hisses the red bolt in the gulf below:
Jove on his head the pitiless tempest pours—
Beneath his feet the furious Neptune roars.
Refreshing showers or heavier rains are near,
When piled in fleecy heaps the clouds appear.
No weather fair expect, when Iris throws 240
Around the azure vault two painted bows;
When a bright star in night's blue vault is found,
Like a small sun by circling Halo bound;
When dip the Swallows as the pool they skim,
And water-fowls their ruffled plumage trim;
When loudly croak the tenants of the lake,
Unhappy victims of the hydra-snake;
When at the early dawn from murmuring throat
Lone Ololygo pours her dismal note;
When the hoarse Raven seeks the shallow waves— 250
Dips her black head—her wings, and body laves.