Signs of the rising wind and tempest show:
When the long hollow rolling billows roar,
Breaking in froth upon the echoing shore;
And through the rugged rock and craggy steep
Whispers a murmuring sound, not loud but deep.
When screaming to the land the lone Hern flies,
And from the crag reiterates her cries;
Breasting the wind in flocks the Seamews sail,
And smooth their plumes against th' opposing gale;
And diving Cormorants their wings expand, 210
And tread—strange visitors—the solid land;
When from their briny couch the Wild Ducks soar,
And beat with clanging wings the echoing shore;
When gathering clouds are roll'd as drifting snow
In giant length along the mountain's brow;
When the light down, that crowns the thistles head,
On ocean's calm and glassy face is spread
Extending far and wide—the sailors hail
These signs, prophetic of the rising gale.
Thunder and Lightning in the summer show 220
The point from which the freshening breeze will blow.
Mark when athwart the ebon vault of night
The Meteors shoot their flash of vivid light—
From that same quarter will the wind arise,