With graceful Panope and Doris fair?
While headlong to the west all these descend, 690
Up from the east the lower parts ascend
Of Hydra's snaky length—the crown appears—
The Centaur's head—and victim which he bears.
When the great Archer Monster from below
Rising obtrudes his outstretch'd arm and bow;
Then mounting with him Serpentarius shines—
Round him its speckled coils the serpent twines.
Engonasin above revers'd appears—
First to the sky his feet and legs he rears—
Sweet soother of his toils the Lyre he brings, 700
Harmonious warbling with its golden strings.
The stars that Sirius and Orion boast
In deepest night to human ken are lost.
Auriga stands upon the watery verge–
Touches his naked feet the rising surge.
Capella on his shoulder shines afar,
To sailors oft an unpropitious star.
Cepheus now rises on the eastern sky,
And Perseus half is lost to human eye.
When rising next appears with butting horn 710
Half goat, half fish, the wintry Capricorn,
Auriga setting bears his Kids away;