Political Economy and Public Law Series. Simon N. Patten, Ph.D., Editor. VOLUME I. No. 1. — Wharton School Annals of Political Science. Out of print. No. 2. — Anti-Rent Agitation in New York. Prof. E. P. Cheyney. Price, 50 cents. No. 3. — G-round Rents in Philadelphia. E. P. Allinson and Boies Pen- rose, of the Philadelphia Bar. Price, 25 cents. No. 4. — Consumption of "Wealth. Prof. S. N. Patten. Price, 50 cents. No. 5. — Prison Statistics of the U. S. for 1888. Prof. Roland P. Falk- NER. Price, 25 cents. No. 6. — Rational Principles of Taxation. Prof. S. N. Patten. Price, 50 cents. No. 7. — Federal Constitution of Germany, -with Historical Introduc- tion. Translated by Prof. E. J. James. Price, 50 cents. No. 8. — Federal Constitution of Switzerland. Translated by Prof. E. J. James. Price, 50 cents. Price of Nos. 2 to Sin One Order, $2.40. VOLUME II. No. 9.— Our Sheep and the Tariff. William Draper Lewis, Ph.D. Price, cloth, $2.00; paper, ^1.25. VOLUME III. No. 10. — The German Bundesrath. Prof. James Harvey Robinson. Price, 75 cents. No. 11.— The Theory of Dynamic Economics. Prof. Simon N. Patten, Price, $1.00. VOLUME IV. No. 12. — The Referendum in America. Dr. Ellis P. Oberholtzer. Price, $1.50. Price of Nos. 2 to 12 in One Order, $6.00. PUBLICATIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Wharton School Studies in Politics and Economics. This baries consists of monographs by the students of the Wharton School of Finance and Economy. No. 1. — The Recent Development of American Industries. By the Class OF '91. Price, 50 cents; cloth, $1.00. No. 2.— The City Government of Philadelphia. By the Class of '93. Price, cloth, $1.50.