to-day I am King in Strelsau. In those few hours I have an account to settle with your cousin; something that he has, I must have. I'm going now to seek him, and while I seek him you will stay here with Bernenstein. Perhaps I shall fail, perhaps I shall succeed. Whether I succeed or fail, by to-night I shall be far from Strelsau, and the King's place will be free for him again."
Rischenheim gave a slight start, and a look of triumph spread over his face. They did not know that the King was dead.
Rudolf came nearer to him, fixing his eyes steadily on his prisoner's face.
"I don't know," he continued, "why you are in this business, my lord. Your cousin's motives I know well. But I wonder that they seemed to you great enough to justify the ruin of an unhappy lady, who is your Queen. Be assured that I will die sooner than let that letter reach the King's hand."
Rischenheim made him no answer.
"Are you armed?" asked Rudolf.
Rischenheim sullenly flung his revolver on the table. Bernenstein came forward and took it.
"Keep him here, Bernenstein. When I return I'll tell you what more to do. If I don't return, Fritz will be here soon, and you and he must make your own plans."
"He shan't give me the slip a second time," said Bernenstein.