The Heart of Princess Osra.
own hand and clenching it tight, he said to King Rudolf:
"Sire, there are some in the city that knew me before, but have not known me since I have been in your Guard, because I have altered my face. Take care that you so alter it that they do not know me again."
The King's breath caught in his throat, for he had loved Lord Harry Culverhouse, and he asked again:
"Is there no other way?"
"Hark!" said the other, "I hear the horses of your Guard drawing near; I hear them to east and west and north; and do you not see shapes riding there to the south, across the river? If I ride from here alive, I shall be taken, and the truth must be known. For my sake and hers, strike, sire."
The King took Lord Harry Culverhouse by the arm and drew him to him, saying:
"Must it be so, Harry? And we have lived as friends together!"
"The sound of the hoofs is very near, sire."
The King drew himself up to his height, and he raised his hat from his head, and bowed low to Lord Harry Culverhouse, and he said:
"Now praise be to God for the restora-