The Prologue
"You see," he said, "the fact is, I should like to know first … I've never been engaged in a—a transaction of this kind before; and, well—what I mean is, do I incur any risk of—er—a supernatural character? … It isn't like that business of Faust's, eh, don't you know?"
The Manager took back the paper with an abruptness which showed that his temper was ruffled by this suspicion.
"My good sir!" he said, with a short offended laugh, "don't, on any account, imagine that I care two pins whether you become a depositor or not. I dare say our house will continue to exist without your account. As for liability, ours is a limited concern; and, besides, a deposit would not constitute you a shareholder. If you meant anything more—well, I have still to learn that there's anything diabolical about me, sir! I simply thought I was doing you a good turn by making the suggestion; and, besides, as a business man, I never neglect any opportunity, however small. But it's entirely as you please, I'm sure."
There was nothing in the least demoniacal,