the following: My father is a drunkard, a thief and a coward.
This was followed by some details, which, out of respect to my father's memory and to the law, I consider unnecessary to state.
I now recall one forgotten fact, which I think should prove of interest to you, gentlemen experts. I am very happy to have recalled it, very happy. How could it have slipped my memory?
We had in our house a maid-servant named Katia, who was the mistress of my father, and simultaneously my mistress. She loved father because he gave her money, and me because I was young, had beautiful dark eyes and did not give her money. The night that my father's corpse lay in the parlor I entered Katia's room. It was not far from the parlor, whence could be heard clearly the voice of the chanter.
I think that the immortal spirit of my father must have experienced complete gratification!
This is really an interesting fact, and I