A FAIRY DRAMA By AUGUST STRINDBERQ TRANSLATED BT FRANCIS J. ZIEGLEB Printed on Deckle Edge Paper and Attractively Bound in Cloth $i.oo net - - Postage, 8 cents A poetic idyl which is charming in its sweet purity, delightful in its optimism, elusive in its com- plete symbolism, but wholesome in its message that pure love can conquer evil. So out of the cold North, out of the mouth of the world's most terri- ble misogynists, comes a strange message, one which is as sweet as it is unxepected. And August Strind- berg, the enemy of love, sings that pure love is all- powerful and all-conquering. — Springfield, Mass., Republican. It is worth while to have all of the plays of such a great dramatist in our English tongue. Since the death of Ibsen he is the chief of the Scandinavians. . . . The publishers deserve thanks and support for their enterprise. There has long existed a need for just such an edition of contemporary foreign plays. . . — The Sun, Baltimore. An idyllic play filled with romantic machinery of the Northern fairy tales and legends. . . It be- longs to a class by itself. . . — Philadelphia Record. BROWN BROTHERS, Publishers N. E. Cor. Fifth and Pine Streets, Philadelphia