BY LEONIDAS ANDREIYEFF Translated from the Russian by John Cournos Printed in Large, Clear Type and Bound in Gray Bcmrdi, with Paper Label Price, postpaid - - 25 Cents Silence is overflowing with the intensity and the pent-up force of human misery. The story is not to be readily disposed of with a few cursory notes of comment. Though brief, it is significant of its author's remarkable powers, the powers that the Russians alone possess. — Boston Evening Tran- script. ... It is a wonderful word-painting of a silent horror indescribably treated with the pen of an im- pressionist, guided by the soul of a great artist. . . . The artistry of the few pages is so strong that the madness of it pursues the reader many hours after the little book has been laid down and closed. — Public Ledger, Philadelphia. It is certainly poetry and literature — The New York Sun. BROWN BROTHERS, Publishers N. B. Cor. Fifth and Pine Streets, Philadelphia