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other, and are governed by a Queen. Among theʃe Iʃlands, they find Ambergreeʃe

in Lumps of extraordinary bigneʃs; as alʃo in leʃʃer Pieces,in Form of Plants forcibly torn up. This Amber is produced at the Bottom of the Sea, as Plants are upon Earth; and when the Sea is troubled, the Violence of the Wave tears it up from the Bottom, and waʃhes it to the Shore, in form of a Muʃhroom, or a Truffle.

Coco-nut Trees.
Geogr. Nub. p.31.
Thefe Iflands governed by a Woman, are full of that kind of the Palm-tree which bears the Coco-nut; and are one, two, three, or four Leagues diʃtant from each other, all inhabited, and planted with Coco-nut Trees. The Wealth of the Inhabitants conʃiʃts in Shells [Cowries,] and even the Queen's Treaʃury is full of them. They ʃay there are no Artificers more expert than theʃe Iʃlanders ; and that of the Fibres of the Coco-nut they make whole Shirts, all of one Piece, Sleeves, Gullets and all, as alʃo half Veils [or Jacquets.] With the ʃame induʃtry, and with the ʃame Tree they build Ships and Houʃes; and they are skilful in all other ʃorts of Workmanʃhip. Their Shells they have from the Sea, at times when they riʃe up to the Surface ; at which times the Inhabitants throw Branches of the Coco-nut-tree into the Sea, and the Shells ʃtick to them. They call them Kabtaje.

[D]The Iʃland of Sarandib or Ceylon

Beyond theʃe Iʃlands, in the Sea of Harkand, is Sarandib, or Ceylon, the Chief of all theʃe Iʃlands, which are called Dobijat.


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