Greek Architecture.
41 Parthenon, having been erected by the architect Mnesicles, under Pericles (about 430 B.C.). This building is remark- able for perfection of proportion and grace of detail, and is a fine specimen of the harmonious combination of the Doric and Ionic styles. The temples named above belong to the Doric order ; Erechtheum. Athena. PROPYLiEA Fiff. 22. pak.thenon. Nike Apteros. The Acropolis at Athens (restored). for early examples of Ionic we must go to Asia Minor. At Ephesus the remains of the famous marble temple of Artemis (Diana), which was one of the Seven Wonders of the World, have been explored within our own day; and portions of the sculptured shafts have been brought to the British Museum by Mr. Wood.