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rendering of the flesh-tints, the animation and varied character of the heads, and the skilful grouping and com- position of the whole. The National Gallery possesses a so-called portrait of this great master from his own hand, but some writers doubt its authenticity. Two of Masaccio's greatest cotemporaries (both monks) to give here a list of the frescoes as they have been assigned to their various authors by the latest authorities. By Masaccio. (i.) The Expulsion from Paradise. (ii.) The Tribute- Money. (iii.) The Resuscitation of the Kings Son. (Finished by Filippino Lippi.) (iv.) S. Peter in Cathedrd. (v.) The Infirm healed by the shadow of SS. Peter and John. (vi.) S. Peter Baptizing. (vii.) S. Peter distributing alms to the Poor. By Masolino. (viii.) The Preaching of S. Peter. (ix.) The Healing of the Lame Man at the Beautiful Gate. (x. ) The Resuscitation of Petronilla. (Also called The Raising of Jairuss Daughter. ) (xi.) Adam and Eve beneath the Tree of Knowledge. By Filippino Lippi. xii.) S. Peter in Prison visited by $. Paid. xiii.) S. Peter freed from Prison. xiv.) SS. Peter and Paul before the Proconsul. xv.) Crucifixion of S. Peter. xvi.) Resuscitation of the King 's Son. (Begun by Masaccio.)