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his faithful portraiture ; and numerous monuments attest his skill in more complicated works. The greatest of these is without doubt that of Frederick the Great in Berlin, a small model of which is in the Crystal Palace. Friedrich Drake, born in 1805, is another famous master of the Berlin school. His principal works are a Madonna with her Infant Son, belonging to the Empress of Russia ; the eight colossal allegorical figures of the provinces of Prussia, in the Royal Palace of Berlin ; the marble group on the Palace bridge at Berlin, of a Warrior crowned by Victory, considered one of the masterpieces of Prussian sculpture; the monument to Frederick William III., in the Thiergarten at Berlin, the reliefs of which are power- fully conceived ; and above all, the statues of Schinkel, the Humboldts, Rauch, Moser, and other celebrities, all alike full of nervous life and energy. Ernst Rietschel, of Dresden (1804 — 1861), was a sculptor of great power, who closely followed the ex- ample of Rauch. He studied sculpture under him at Munich, and was remarkable for his vivid imagination and refined feeling for beauty. His best works are his double monument to Schiller and Goethe at Weimar ; his statue of Lessing at Brunswick, in which the influence of his great master may be distinctly traced ; his Pieta at Sans Souci, in which ideal beauty and pathetic feeling are combined ; his sculptures for the pediments of the Opera- house at Berlin, and the Theatre and Museum of Munich. Ludwig Schwanthaler (1802 — 1848) was a sculptor of great original power, who treated the worn-out subjects of Greek mythology and of Christian legend in a fresh and truly poetical spirit. He imbued everything he undertook with something of his own energy, but he was T 2