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ward by men who till lately have been chiefly known as supporters of revived Gothic. As examples of this, the very latest fashion in the art, we may name New Zealand Chambers, in Fenchurch Street, and many other buildings, by Mr. Norman Shaw, and the New School Board Offices, on the Thames Embankment, by Mr. Bodley. During the last few years many of the principal artists have built houses for their own use. Sir Frederick Leighton, President of the Royal Academy, Mr. Millais, Mr. Frederick Goodall, Mr. Pettie, Mr. Val Prinsep, Mr. S. Luke Fildes, Mr. Frank Holl, Mr. Seymour Lucas, Mr. Colin Hunter, have all erected mansions which have greatly added to the importance of architecture in Eng- land. Most of them have adopted some modified form of the style of Queen Anne, and have treated it picturesquely.